On Tuesday morning I watched testimony before the Oregon State Senate Judiciary Committee (see post nearby) on a bill (SB 978-Amendment 1) that gun rights advocates labeled “vindictive,” “incoherent” and who warned that, if passed, would make Oregon more dangerous, not less.
Seriously, this is one hot mess of a bill and amendment. Lawd. See my nearby post.
A handful of women in the audience wore red Moms Demand Action t-shirts.
Moms Demand Action is the Michael Bloomberg-backed anti-gun rights group filled with women doing their best to smother gun rights for all Americans the way their sisters in the abortion movement smother babies in the womb. Or, if you’re in Virginia and New York, in the crib.
Similarly, they claim to be doing it ‘for the children,’ a noble cause, but, oddly, don’t support trained and armed teachers in the classroom in Parkland, Florida. In short, they don’t want good guys to have guns, either.
The group was started by Shannon Watts. I don’t even know her but I guess she knows me.

Oh, heeeeey Shannon.
The group has the ear of Oregon state lawmakers. It opposes the Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. It’s a radical group with values antithetical to the basic American precepts of individual freedom and freedom from governmental tyranny.
But something struck me as I watched the group’s testimony.

What was it?

Pearls? Who wears pearls to adorn a t-shirt?

Moms Demand Action, that’s who.
It’s a ‘thing’:

No, it’s really a thing.
Let’s see, what’s on my list to go testify in Salem today? Ah, yes, bring:
- Red Shirt
- Sensible shoes
- Pearls

But you can leave the Constitution at home. You won’t be needing that.

Pearl clutching is so much a part of the group’s identity that a New Hampshire women’s pro-gun group handed out their own long strings of pearls to lawmakers to remind them that guns are equalizers and allow women to defend themselves.

And the men in the legislature wore them.

Moms Demand Action’s pearls are meant to wrong-foot their political opponents.
Male lawmaker to himself, ‘How can I publicly disagree with this woman when she looks like my mom when I was a kid? Those … pearls. Peaaaarls?! My grandma had pearls like that. Barbara Bush wore pearls. Hell, Beaver’s mom wore pearls like that.’
Cue June Cleaver:

So, what to do when you want radical change but want to keep it Lo Pro? Put “mom” in the title of your group and encourage your members to wear pearls.
The trick is to look as benign, doe-eyed and disarming as June Cleaver, while disarming America.