July 29, 2022

Episode 72

What did Nixon know about the Watergate burglary? According to author & attorney Geoff Shepard, maybe less than we believed.

Author, lecturer and attorney Geoff Shepard was a young lawyer working in the White House when the infamous Watergate break-in occurred. That act of political espionage led to the resignation of Richard Nixon as President, but was that really necessary? Was the evidence of Nixon’s knowledge of the break-in fabricated to orchestrate a coup ahead of the next election? Shepard believes the signs point to “yes.” In this first of two episodes, Shepard examines the timeline of the break-in, who was most likely behind it, and why he believes the evidence has never been thoroughly investigated.

Buy Geoff Shepard’s Latest Book, “The Nixon Conspiracy: Watergate and the Plot to Remove the President” on Amazon



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Victoria Taft @ PJ Media