Washington State Democrat Senator Maralyn Chase on her Plastics Ban

February 17, 2011


Live interview on Wednesday’s program with senator Chase.

You won’t believe it until you listen to it.

Sen. Chase with KPAM 860\’s Victoria Taft

Senator Chase has submitted SB 5779 would basically ban styrofoam food containers at take out and the plastic flatware you receive with it.

SB 5780 is the anti-plastic bag bill.

SB 5778 would ban certain petroleum based plastic beverage bottles.

If Sen. Chase’s reasoning for banning plastic bags is because of all the plastic bags and such blown up on her car around Olympia and Seattle on I-5, shouldn’t she stiffen littering laws in the center of liberalism for Washington State?

HB 5779 states: “Disposable plastic food service ware” means non-recyclable containers, plates, clamshell-style containers, serving trays, meat and vegetable trays, hot and cold beverage cups, and utensils that are made of plastic or plastic-coated paper and intended only for one-time use, including biodegradable products where any portion is not compostable. Elsewhere it also mentions egg cartons.

I still contend teaching liberals in the Puget Sound to recycle instead of littering the area would be better.

If ever you needed proof liberals should be ignored, the interview above should give it.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com