Mike Strickland goes on trial for his freedom on Monday in a Multnomah County courtroom. For drawing his weapon in self defense at a group of anarchists converging on him at a July Black Lives Matter/Don’t Shoot PDX protest, he faces more than 50 years in prison.
Strickland drew his weapon at the marauding group of anarchists because they had previously hit him, roughed him up, and hit him with their anarchist flag poles while he covered the protest for his news platform known as “Laughing With Liberals.”
Strickland has a reputation with Portland protesters. As I explained in my previous post, the Portland protesters and their anarchist black bloc members don’t like him because he makes fun of them with his videos.
Some people have asked why he would have carried his legally purchased, properly licensed concealed handgun with him to a work project.
You need not go far to find out why. Protests and protesters have grown more violent.
As we saw this week at UC Berkeley, people who protested Milo Yiannopolous, a gay, conservative speaker and journalist set things on fire and beat people who came to hear the speaker.
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Videos of UC #Berkeley loonies protesting AGAINST free speech.Irony: 50yrs ago free speech movemnt began here.https://t.co/eHQwqsbFHo
Protesters on the campus that gave birth to the free speech movement succeeded in shutting down his speech due to their violence.
One of the violent protesters worked at the University.
One woman who came to hear the speech was pepper sprayed while doing a live interview on ABC-7:
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Watch me get pepper sprayed by peaceful protesters at UC Berkeley. https://t.co/MrXARrLa3l
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A woman wearing a #Trump-style hat was pepper sprayed at #UCBerkeley protests. She & @WayneFreedman are alright: https://t.co/g7WofodFyD pic.twitter.com/JD3Bt1y7rE
She told ABC-7 that the protesting anarchists hit her with their flag poles:
Kiara Robles said after that incident she was targeted again. “They hit you with flag poles, they hit all my friends with flag poles,” she said. “I had to jump over a fence. If they wanted to do some serious damage to me in that moment I would have been completely unable to stop them.
This is what Strickland says happened to him during the protest before the anarchist broke away converged on him.
On that day in July in Portland, these were among the protesters carrying the anarchist flags:

Anyone who’s seen any of Strickland’s reports from May Day protests in Seattle know how violent these protests have been.
In the last week, a Seattle protester called on fellow protesters to “start killing people.” See the video of her speech and the story about it I did for IJR.com here.
In November in Portland, a protester who had been part of a squad of “protesters looting, vandalizing and tagging” shot another protester on the Morrison Bridge. See Cameron Whitten’s real-time play-by-play of the incident.
People who routinely cover protests in addition to Strickland were at the November protests. Their lives were threatened — by those “peaceful” protesters again.
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Huh, committing acts of violence against journalists … And since they’d already done it to Strickland and got him arrested, you’d better believe the message was heard loud and clear.
Last weekend, KOIN-TV caught on tape as a couple’s car was surrounded and prevented from moving by Portland protesters–among them, one of those who had converged on Strickland back in July, Ben Kerensa:
At that same protest, a street preacher who was reportedly following protesters was assaulted and sent to the hospital.
The assaulter who did it? Frequent protester and activist, Jesse Sponberg. Sponberg admitted his assault on video:
Activist Jessie Sponberg Claims He Knocked Out Trump Counter-Protester at PDX
(Jessie Sponberg/Facebook)
KATU reports:
Sponberg posted a video, claiming he’s the one who punched Chisholm. The news was first reported by KATU’s news partners at Willamette Week.
“They are violent bullies who had gone too far, with nobody else stopping them from creating another violent situation,” Sponberg said. “Either way, I’m going to need a good lawyer.”
Sponberg turned himself in to Port of Portland Police Thursday afternoon.
Ironically, Sponberg was one who tried to keep things peaceful after Strickland’s assault and pulling his weapon. He was temporarily put in handcuffs with Strickland because the police thought he might be part of the problem. Imagine that.
Mike Strickland had the book thrown at him and pulled his gun in self-defense against violent protesters.
People are getting sick and tired of their freedom of movement restricted by these thuggish protesters.
Recently, one fed up woman grabbed whatever she had in her car and ran out to chase away an anarchist. Her weapon? Laundry detergent.
Republicans have called out the city’s leadership for “dereliction of duty” for its failure to reign in out-of-control protests.
Some of these protesters have been paid to hit the streets, clog up traffic and commit acts of violence. I outline this here.
The same people paying them are of the same political bent as the political bosses running the levers of power in Portland–including the DA’s office.
Sponberg was seen committing the assault but, as of this posting, has not been charged with a crime.
The same people in power arrested, jailed, threw the book at and are putting on trial a man who tried to defend himself from these same violent protesters when police were nowhere in sight. And he might go to prison for 50+ years.
A motion for a change of venue in Strickland’s trial was denied.
See my previous posts on this case here:
‘He Makes Fun of Us:’Reason Why Anarchists Conspired to Attack Strickland at Portland Protest
Bomb Threats, Activism, Anarchy: ‘Victim’ in Strickland Gun Case Is a Convicted Liar
Witness Against Strickland In Gun Case Is Federal Felon; Anarchist
Strickland Hearing Today & the Defense Has a Surprise for the DA
Strickland Indicted on Gun Charges; Ham Sandwich Next In Line
Watch This Guy Advance on Mike Strickland Right Before He Pulled Gun At BLM Protest
Strickland’s Gun Case Similar to Portland Case That Just Ended In Not-Guilty Verdict
The Exoneration of Portland Citizen Journalist Mike Strickland, ‘Laughing at Liberals.’
Citizen Journalist James O’Keefe Spotlights Mike Strickland Case
Here’s What 4 Cops & a 2-A Activist Saw When They Watched ‘Man Pulls Gun on PDX Protesters’ Video