After talking about it, planning for it, and being amid major upheaval – moving with my husband to another state – and other overwhelming life events, it’s time to launch “The Adult In The Room Podcast.”

The Adult in the Room Podcast begins next week on all your regular podcast outlets, Apple, Stitcher, etc. I’ll be posting on SoundCloud as well. I’m also hoping that the show will be picked up elsewhere. More on that later. Launch day is next Thursday.
I know there’s a flood of podcasts in the political water stream. Some are great, content-rich goldmines. Some of them are not great. Some hosts are humorless yellers and screamers. Others think their lives are the most compelling thing to talk about, which, as far as I’m concerned, is boring, for the most part. I’ll still weave in my story-telling to the program. That won’t change.
One thing’s clear, many people in this country appear to believe that doing spoken-word programming is a cake walk. As a decades-long radio talk host on the West Coast, I can assure you that it is not. It’s why I’ve been planning how I can make my program in this glut of “pods,” as the cool people have decided to call them, as interesting and engaging as possible.
To that end, I’ll be commenting on the big stories of the week and providing interviews on topics that I’m interested in, but in angles which I hope are informative, non-PC and humor-filled. Among my upcoming guests are “Shooter Rughi” and Mike Strickland. The content will be engaging, professionally produced and, I hope, popular enough to cover production costs and expand the number of weekly episodes. Fingers crossed.
As many of my 5th Listeners have known throughout my decades on West Coast radio, from San Diego, LA to Portland, I meticulously plan and execute a program. But when the mic opens all plans are reduced to mere suggestions. As this will start out as a once a week program, that will likely be the exception than the rule.
Some of the issues I will undertake will start locally and expand nationally. By that I mean if you want to know what happens when the anti-freedom crowd gets a hold of the reigns, I’ll let you know with specific case studies and expand it out. I’ve seen enough stories in Seattle, Portland and LA to last a life time. Other cities just wait for the moment to be like them.
I’m going to do my best to snuff out those wrong-head proclivities.
I know that my website has been fallow for awhile. This is because I’ve spent my energies writing for the politics and opinion website PJMedia. It’s glorious. I’ve been with that organization for a year. I previously wrote for Independent Journal Review in addition to my radio broadcast duties and serving as an opinion maker, if you will, on One America News shows.
Here are some snippets of stories I’ve worked on recently for PJMedia. I can’t give away the whole story, of course, because that’s the provenance of PJMedia, but they’ll give you an idea of what I’ve undertaken recently. Click through if you want to read the whole thing. I encourage you to do that, as a matter of fact.
The following story about the plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer had a twist that many may have predicted.
At Least Two of Gretchen Whitmer’s Kidnapping Conspirators Appear to Be Anti-Trump Anarchists
Having spent a significant portion of my professional life in Portland, Oregon, I know a bit about the anarchist/antifa/black lives matter, inc™ crowd. Here’s a sampling:
90% of Portland Rioters Are Rewarded for Months of Destruction; Attempted Cop Killer Released
The following guy is a real beauty. He doesn’t deserve a seat in the salon of polite society.
Triggered Democrat Party Media Guy Pulls a Knife on ‘Oregon Women for Trump’ Convoy. Seriously.
And the commie who would be mayor is closer to achieving that goal than Portlanders think.
It’s nice to have a national audience with which to share my writings. I’ll also share my mail bag with you. I get a lot of, ah, interesting mail from our friends on the Left.
And I hope you’ll join me on my “Adult in the Room Podcast” next week.