Here’s Why the Imam of Portland, Or. Jihadi Terrorist Factory Got Kicked Out of the Country
The wonder is that he got ousted at all.
The wonder is that he got ousted at all.
Occupy students stage a walk out to protest that walk outs are bad Students at Portland State University plan to walk out of class Thursday
We are now fast approaching the two-year anniversary of Occupy Portland, whose members illegally occupied Lownsdale and Chapman Squares in downtown Portland for six weeks
“Are you a Joo?” The MoveOn.Commies held a rally in Portland to protest President Obama’s proposed bombing of Syria, and a group calling themselves the
H/T Breitbart News The International Longshore and Warehouse Union, ILWU, has broken away from the AFL-CIO union in what could signify a bigger crack between
“Pepper Spray Chick” Liz Nichols either has a lot of money or she is the lucky recipient of free legal help. How else to explain
And Liz Nichols, who has taken her cause to federal court, will lose just as she lost before in court (here). Here’s the photo taken
The call went out within minutes of the George Zimmerman exoneration in Florida last night. “Zimmerman walked on all counts! Pioneer Square Now.” and then
While at the May Day Occupy, SEIU, Illegal Alien, and Justice for Janitors gala production on May Day, I met the “Reverend” Stu of the
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