OrBamaCare’s computer fail blamed on Obama
Cover Oregon officials ask feds for help for failed computer program, receive none. At the Cover Oregon board meeting on Thursday, November 13th, Citizen Journalist
Cover Oregon officials ask feds for help for failed computer program, receive none. At the Cover Oregon board meeting on Thursday, November 13th, Citizen Journalist
The Oregon state insurance commissioner has rejected President Obama’s “fix” of the disastrous ObamaCare health care insurance overhaul. In a news conference yesterday, the president
H/T to Pete the Banker who called my attention to this latest story about OrBamaCare. We knew it was bad, but Oregon’s OrBamaCare debacle is
Carney On “Keep Your Plan” Bills: “We See That As Throwing The Baby Out With The Bath Water” Don’t you hate trite rebuttals from politicians
There’s just one thing wrong with this billboard put out by Lindsay Berschauer of Leona Consulting: There’s only one. This billboard debuted this week on Interstate
Lost in the debate over whether the President said you could “keep your insurance plan. Period” or “you can keep your plan if…”, is the
“Is there a law or something…?” “Yeah. Me telling you.” Daylight Disinfectant is a well known Portland-area Citizen Journalist whose work was featured in the
One person has been fired and others are under investigation for telling people to lie to get more freebies under ObamaCare. Gee, I wonder why
From PJ Media here. Excerpt: Though a sideshow throughout Obamacare’s passage and litigation, Medicaid’s pivotal role in President Obama’s health care reform effort has become
‘YOU WON’T HAVE TO DO A THING’ You’ve heard the promises which have turned to lies, “Here’s a guarantee that I’ve made,” Obama says. “If
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