Presidential Amnesty, Work Permits in Cross Hairs of American Legion
The President acts for political party first and only.
The President acts for political party first and only.
Activist: “I will help you break the law.”
The Portland mayor just can’t bring himself to denounce a DUI, hiding from the law and paying this illegal alien to set up an illegal alien job center.
Actor James Woods understands #BarrysKids are making a mockery of US sovereignty He gets it. No Title The “children”
Here’s the map of where border crashers are being dispersed throughout the country. Last night I posted a smaller version of this map posted by
Numbers USA reports Portland area will be site for illegal aliens brought from Central America. The Central American illegal alien story now centers on Portland, Oregon.
President Obama plans to give a speech to spin illegal alien crisis at the border. Time for three fundraisers, no time for the border. After several days
“Are you one of those La Raza guys?” “The way you’re saying that, I don’t understand.” In my post yesterday (here), I linked up an
I found the racists at the Murrieta illegal alien protest on Monday. A quartet of counter protesters, some wearing uniforms of brown shirts and some
“Imagine there’s no countries [sic], it isn’t hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for. And no religion too.” Imagine, John Lennon In John
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