Kitzhaber & ‘Shady First Lady’s’ Garbage Dump Relationship (!) & Run Are Investigated
Were John Kitzhaber and Cylvia Hayes attempting to destroy evidence again?
Were John Kitzhaber and Cylvia Hayes attempting to destroy evidence again?
Before there was King Barack Hussein Obama, there was Kitzhaber, King John of Oregon. But it’s the same story, writ small. Shared by John Trudel,
Congress wants Kitzhaber now.
Steve Buckstein of Cascade Policy comments on John Kitzhaber’s resignation by quoting Lord Acton: ‘Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” – Lord Acton, 1887’
John Kitzhaber issues a petulant letter blaming others for his professional demise.
From Steyer to Hayes to Kitzhaber
Cops, Reporters swarm Governor John Kitzhaber’s Southwest Portland Home. Anybody there…?
There’s nothing noble in this. There’s no King Edward II Wallis Simpson here. Kitzhaber is the walking advertisement for ignobility.
The Oregon governor receives $200,000.00 in late campaign donations–including some from his employees.
Dennis Richardson releases ad knocking John Kitzhaber for paying female employees only 79 cents on the dollar compared to men. Consider this latest ad in the
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