*Secret Video* Perps ID’d in stolen minimum wage signature petitions

September 4, 2014


Signature sheets stolen from a signature gatherer in support of putting a higher minimum wage to vote are returned. SDPD knows who the perps are.

From the pro vote group’s Facebook page

When the San Diego City Council President Todd Gloria surrounded himself with the purple shirts of SEIU and other unions to stop his city minimum wage increases from going to the public vote he promised,  he took command of a formidable army. 

San DIego City Council President, Todd Gloria, surrounded by SEIU and other union members announces efforts to stop you from signing petitions to put minimum wage on the ballot. Photo: 10News
San Diego City Council President, Todd Gloria, surrounded by SEIU and other union members announces efforts to stop you from signing petitions to put minimum wage on the ballot. Photo via 10News

An army whose thug tactics are as ubiquitous as their purple shirts. And their mission? Stop people from signing the petitions to refer the minimum wage to voters, an action to which he, the unions and his allies on the council–including former mayoral candidate David Alvarez–were opposed. 

After saying he would take minimum wage to voters, Todd Gloria reversed himself. Now Gloria and the SEIU and other unions are vowing to stop people from signing referendum petitions. Gee, what could possibly go wrong?
After saying he would take minimum wage to voters, Todd Gloria reversed himself. Now Gloria and the SEIU and other unions are vowing to stop people from signing referendum petitions. Gee, what could possibly go wrong?

And, as predicted, thuggery ensued. One signature gatherer had four sheets of signatures stolen with a note left behind reading:

Sorry Bud! It’s all fair in love and war. 

  Screen Shot 2014-09-01 at 8.42.31 AM

Well, actually it’s not a fairness issue as it turns out. It’s a crime. This 10News report records the theft of the four sheets–130 signatures in all–by opponents of the public vote.

      But the identity thieves and election fraud perps apparently had a change of heart–after they realized they’d been fingered. From the pro vote small business group’s chief, Jason Roe,

The two that stole the signatures were spotted at Clairemont Target last week and police were notified.  Police found them, got their info, and informed them that the case would be referred to the DA.  The next day, the signatures magically reappeared at one of our locations, propped against the door.

What happened to those signatures, by the way? I wonder if this episode would intimidate any future signers if they know their personal information will become the stolen fodder for union folks who might work for the city? Were those people’s information compromised in any way like the homeowners’ who crossed paths with the San Diego County worker recently? 

And the thuggery continues. Watch this secret video from the pro vote group of how the SEIU and other union members scream and yell to intimidate people into NOT signing the petition putting the issue to a vote. 

Can you imagine being a shopper at the store with one guy asking you to sign a petition with one person yelling and another positioning their sign by the signature gatherer calling him a liar? Me? I’d tell off whoever was in my face, but not everyone can do that. SEIU is expecting you to act meekly, even if they do not hew to the same standards.