Former Marine Shane Kohfield was one of a handful of people who attended a protest outside Mayor Ted Wheeler’s house in SW Portland in July. The protesters, armed with a small bullhorn, complained that Wheeler had never condemned Antifa by name and hadn’t done anything to curb the violence committed by the masked anarcho-communist group.

Kohfield was handed the bullhorn and spent about 2-1/2 minutes explaining how he’d spent an entire day with Antifa at a recent protest. He said he wanted to learn about his ‘enemy.’ He concluded that he’d treated everyone well and that Antifa hit people “like little bitches.” He said he’d tried to sue them and then attempted to get law enforcement to take a look at his evidence of Antifa wrong doing. See the video of his remarks below.

What he said next raised some eyebrows:
And then I sent a letter to … someone in Congress [Navy SEAL turned Congressman Dan Crenshaw]. And the first four pages are me explaining how dire the situations are and how they’re going to start killing us. The first four pages were my desire for peace and my fifth page said … if Antifa gets to the point where they start killing us, I’m going to kill them next. And I told them I would slaughter, and I had a detailed plan to … but the point is, Antifa’s gotten to the point where we have to protect ourselves. We have no desire to fight, we have no desire for violence, but we need to be prepared for it if it happens.
Stumptown Matters/YouTube
Everyone has a natural right to defend themselves or loved ones. But, Kohfield appeared to veer off the usual right-of-center fare by explaining he’d written a letter to a Congressman explaining his “detailed plan” for “slaughtering” Antifa if they killed people on the right. He said the situation in Portland was getting “dire,” which isn’t wrong. But then he said it out loud in public.
It didn’t take long for someone to invoke Oregon’s Red Flag law and haul him in. Kohfield was surrounded by multiple police officers as he left a relative’s house in Prineville. He ‘voluntarily’ gave himself over to them.
The Washington Examiner reports that the Joint Terrorism Task Force rolled him up and hauled him off to the VA for 20 days to get ‘help’ for his wrong think. The Oregonian reports that the Capitol Police already had Kohfield on their radar because of the letter.
The Military Times reported that Kohfield wasn’t charged with anything, though he was locked up:
…Kohfield, 32, was not charged with any crime, but surrendered five guns, including an AR-15 rifle, according to Phil Lemman, Oregon’s acting deputy state court administrator, the Washington Examiner reported.
Based on the court order, Kohfield – who served two tours of duty in Iraq — was committed to a veterans hospital for 20 days and was barred from participating in subsequent protests in Portland.
The Military Times
Kohfield’s Dad reportedly told police that his son suffered from bi-polar disorder and PTSD after his two tours of duty in Iraq. He’d been drinking heavily recently. It’s unclear if his dad had a say in whether his son would be committed.
Kohfield told The Oregonian that he gave the appearance of being “unhinged” in the video (see it below):
“I looked unhinged. I looked dangerous and have the training to be dangerous.” [emphasis added]
You’ll note Kohfield didn’t acknowledge he was dangerous and violent. Maybe he wasn’t in a position to know. Odd, that with so much known about this case, we don’t know that.
It was only the sixth time Clackamas County invoked the law, according to The Oregonian. Of the 98 red flag law uses in Multnomah County, there’s no telling if it’s ever been used on the demonstrated violent excesses of Antifa. Interestingly, we know all about Kohfield, though.
Antifa actually commits dangerous and violent acts, manifestly unprovoked, and constantly threatens people on the right, me included, in an attempt to stop us up from speaking out. So far I haven’t heard of one Red Flag call on their members. I haven’t heard of Antifa members, constantly committing acts of violence and threats against people with whom they disagree, being committed to a hospital for wrong think.
You might think multiple-time arrestee, proud Antifa member, and long-time Portland Professional Protester™, Luis Marquez, would be a good candidate for this treatment.

But if you’re Marquez, it’s catch and release and then onto the next violent and unhinged protest.

And another:

And another:

I could go on. You’ll notice, however, that the clearly unhinged (watch the videos) Marquez is free to go about his violent, threatening protests as often as he wants, against people with whom he has a political difference. He doesn’t like what they’re saying. He’s willing to hurt them for their political viewpoints. He wants them banished and hushed because he doesn’t like their viewpoint.
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Antifa has made it a cottage industry of dismissing anyone who doesn’t agree with them as a “nazi,” “neo nazi” or “white supremacist” – even when they’re a person of color and don’t hew to that viewpoint. It doesn’t matter. Antifa members consider themselves super heroes. Their magic cloaks are the masks over their faces. Everyone else is a Nazi.
Institutional Portland has picked up on the labels. You’ll notice that Mayor Ted Wheeler was only concerned about right wing groups showing up for the August 18th protest. His concern was not about Antifa, which routinely and reliably starts the violence. It was a colossal example of civic gaslighting.

Recently, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi conflated concern about “white supremacism” with gun violence. This was intentionally meant to smear gun owners and reduce them to racists.
A “straight pride parade” troll was recast by antifa as a “white supremacist.” Far Leftists, like Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, gave bail money to arrested violent antifa members who’d issued beat downs:
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One way to support the local LGBTQ community impacted by Boston’s white supremacist parade?Contribute to the Bail Fund for the activists who put themselves on the line protecting the Boston community: $ left over goes to @MassBailFund+@Boston_GLASS)
Not to sound pedantic, but the point of all of this gaslighting is the Left’s attempt to arrogate power to itself by shutting down other viewpoints.
Antifa are the human silencers. The shock troops.
Antifa stands for anti-first-amendment. That’s why this slogan, coined at last March, is picking up steam.

But even center-left Democrats know Wheeler and Antifa are bad news. They’d be booed, targeted, slimed and doxxed if they ever said so out loud, however. It’s possibly why Wheeler can’t be honest and call out Antifa. It’s why he lets them hide behind masks.
It’s why this meme is so popular:

I know there are real racists out there. I saw those tools with torches the night before the clash with Antifa on the streets of Charlottesville and shook my head. It made me sick. Horrible. (Trigger alert: Torch-holding racists, Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler are Leftists by the way.)
Antifa never was blamed for its part in that deadly melee. That was by design too.
Another irony. Considering that the Portland City Council has had a hate/hate relationship with the Joint Terrorism Task Force, it’s more than a little rich that they’re lauding it for its part in rolling up a protester – because he’s a Trump-hat-wearing-right-of-center guy.
Kohfield may get his Second Amendment rights restored to him. Someday. He may be able to go to a protest to practice his First Amendment rights again at a protest. Someday. He may get wonderful help at the VA. And I hope that is so. For now, however, he’s been silenced.
Protester Declares He Would Slaughter Antifa If They Tried To Kill Him
Shane Kohfield on July 20th 2019 attended Portland Liberation’s first protest in front of Portland mayor Ted Wheeler’s house in the west hills of Portland. S…