The hypocrisy of the “justice” system in Multnomah County continues to amaze even a long time observer like me.
Take note of the latest example of the duplicity with which prosecutors treat leftist defendants versus defendants such as Michael Strickland: Christopher Joseph Gourneau.
As you know by now, I’ve taken up Strickland’s defense not because we’re besties or agree on all issues. I’m sure he’d say the same about me.
But one thing we agree on is the right of free speech, something that was denied Strickland as he attempted to cover the Black Lives Matter/Don’t Shoot PDX event July 7, 2016.
When a marauding bunch of masked thugs and a 300-400 lb assailant came rushing him again, Strickland exercised his second amendment rights and drew his legally possessed gun and back off the mob. This was after several attempts to keep them at bay with verbal commands, hand up, and monopod as a defensive tool.
In short, Strickland used his second amendment rights to exercise his first amendment rights. For that ‘offense,’ Strickland faces years in prison after being found guilty of 21 counts, ten of which are felonies related to this incident.
The very people who had minutes before assaulted him, laid hands on him, and attempted to drag him out of the crowd to stop covering the event with the tools of his journalistic trade — a camera — now became ‘victims’ in the case.
They must laugh themselves silly thinking that they managed to ruin a man’s life by assaulting and then blaming him for defending himself. Prosecutors undoubtedly with the same leftist beliefs decided to use Strickland as a whipping boy to demonstrate what would happen to any Portlander who dares to defend himself legally.
The prosecution of Michael Strickland is nothing more than political persecution writ large.
Take for example the latest case of a man who actually threw a bomb into a crowd of protesters who just received PROBATION and COUNSELING for his offense.
The Oregonian reports that man, who’s also one of the protesters, for some reason, threw his molotov cocktail bomb into the crowd:
A 27-year-old man who in November inexplicably threw a Molotov cocktail at a crowd during a downtown Trump protest was sentenced Monday to three years of probation — and anger management counseling.
While it appeared from initial news reports that Christopher Joseph Gourneau might have been taking part in the Nov. 11 protest of the presidential election of Donald Trump, it became clear during his sentencing hearing that he had actually targeted protesters.
Let’s take a pit stop for a second and take a look at the last sentence in the above ‘graf:
“it became clear during his sentencing hearing that he had actually targeted protesters.”
This appears to be an attempt to mollify the protesters into thinking the perpetrator might have been with another political camp, but read it more closely:
“he had actually targeted protesters.”
Of course he “actually targeted protesters.” We don’t know why, but he did.
He threw a bomb at them. You can catch fire from the lit gasoline or other accelerant used in a Molotov Cocktail. By the way, the bomb is named for Vyacheslav Molotov who was a “professional revolutionary” during the Bolshivek Revolution and years after and was a protege of the murderous tyrant Josef Stalin.
Back to the Molotov Cocktail guy now.
Here’s what a prosecutor said of his actions:
Deputy District Attorney Steve O’Hagan said Gourneau’s act of throwing the burning cocktail at the crowd could have had “horrific” results, and it’s luck that it didn’t.
“Luck that it didn’t.” Would they have used the same rationale following the Strickland incident to guide their prosecutorial inclinations.
Here’s what Molotov Cocktail dude got for his sentence:
As part of a plea agreement, Multnomah County Circuit Judge Adrienne Nelson sentenced him to a list of conditions — under the supervision of his probation officer — including anger management counseling, “emotional management treatment” and drug and alcohol treatment.
He will start out the first part of his three years of probation in the Multnomah County Justice Reinvestment Program. The program is designed to keep defendants out of jail or prison and connect them with drug treatment, housing and other necessities that could help stabilize their lives.
I’m pretty sure we know what political side this guy was on based on his sentence alone.
Then check out the punishment for the 120 people arrested during the protests against Donald Trump in November:
Gourneau was one of 120 people arrested during six consecutive nights of protests immediately after Trump’s election in November. Most criminal charges were dropped, and the district attorney’s office said it was focusing on the most violent or disruptive of those arrested.
According to The Portland Mercury, this is the disbursement of “justice” to the 171 people arrested, as they put it, “in the Trump era”:

According to the Mercury:
According to an analysis of the 171 protest-related arrests in Portland since post-election demonstrations began in November, the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office has rejected more than half—a whopping 99 cases.
Of the 72 defendants who remained, 45 had their cases reduced to traffic violations, 13 are awaiting trial for misdemeanors (with one already found guilty), 12 are awaiting trial for felonies (mostly from November demonstrations), one juvenile case was referred to Washington County, and another case was dismissed as part of a plea bargain.
Lesson: Defend yourself and risk prison. Offensively throw a bomb at protesters, violently vandalize and deprive people of their speech, security in their businesses and homes and freedom of movement, and you get a ’traffic ticket’ or counseling. Got it.
And here are the previous posts I’ve done on the Strickland case:
Mike Strickland Rally Speakers Put Stakes into Sharp Focus: ‘That Could Be You Next!’
Fund Raiser for Strickland Canceled After Portland Professional Protesters Swing Into Action
Perjury: Counting All the Times Ben Kerensa Lied on the Stand in Strickland Gun Case, Part 1
Seldom Seen Video of Mob of “Victims” Surrounding Strickland Before He Draws Weapon in Self Defense
Oregon Firearms Federation Responds to Strickland Gun Conviction
Here’s What 4 Cops & a 2-A Activist Saw When They Watched ‘Man Pulls Gun on PDX Protesters’ Video
Violent Protesters Show EXACTLY Why Strickland Carried Gun to Cover Protests
‘He Makes Fun of Us:’Reason Why Anarchists Conspired to Attack Strickland at Portland Protest
Bomb Threats, Activism, Anarchy: ‘Victim’ in Strickland Gun Case Is a Convicted Liar
Witness Against Strickland In Gun Case Is Federal Felon; Anarchist
Strickland Hearing Today & the Defense Has a Surprise for the DA
Strickland Indicted on Gun Charges; Ham Sandwich Next In Line
Strickland’s Gun Case Similar to Portland Case That Just Ended In Not-Guilty Verdict
The Exoneration of Portland Citizen Journalist Mike Strickland, ‘Laughing at Liberals.’
Citizen Journalist James O’Keefe Spotlights Mike Strickland Case
Here’s What 4 Cops & a 2-A Activist Saw When They Watched ‘Man Pulls Gun on PDX Protesters’ Video
Watch This Guy Advance on Mike Strickland Right Before He Pulled Gun At BLM Protest