The media predict a war. Obama has fired the first salvo.

The mainstream media in past week loudly proclaimed the futile attempts of Boehner to seek votes in order to pass debt ceiling without shutting down government and also proclaimed the pending “Republican civil war” over the issue.
While Speaker Boehner was trying to avoid a stalemate, President Obama on Sunday insisted on Sunday, “No compromise”. He again drew a line in the sand, this time challenging the Republicans not to cross. He stands in support of his grossly unpopular legacy legislation ObamaCare and is willing to throw the country into chaos in order to preserve it. It is not Boehner, nor the Republicans that fired to first salvo, but Obama.
Obama started out the domestic portion of the interview on Sunday’s ABC This Week Show stating that he would not negotiate fiscal reforms with Boehner in conjunction with the raising the debt ceiling, “What I haven’t been willing to negotiate, and I will not negotiate, is on the debt ceiling.”
So he isn’t willing to compromise, but subsequently points the finger at a “faction” of the Republicans who he indicates are the ones not willing to compromise? “The problem we have is we have a– faction of the Republican Party– in the House of Representatives in particular, that view “compromise” as a dirty word, and anything that– is even remotely associated with me, they feel obliged to oppose. And my argument to them is real simple. That’s not why the people sent you here.”
Confusing since back in his first statement Obama indicates he will not compromise despite apparently being sent to Washington DC by the voters to do so. Hum??!
Or is it? In fact, as Washington based reporters such as Bill Kristol, Jim Geraghty and Guy Benson believe (Hugh Hewitt Show 9/16), Obama wants a shut down of government to use as a wedge for the upcoming 2014 mid term elections since Democrats are taking a huge hit in approval ratings due to ObamaCare.
Of the stalemated negotiations he seems destined to initiate, “That’s never happened before. And when it comes to budgets, we’ve never had the situation in which a party said that– you know, “Unless we get our way 100%, then– we’re gonna let the United States default.””
So ultimately Obama’s message is that he wants it 100% his way otherwise he is holding the debt ceiling hostage.
So ultimately Obama’s message is that he wants it 100% his way otherwise he is holding the debt ceiling hostage. His legacy legislation must be preserved at all cost, regardless of the impact on the financial stability of the country. And that’s never happened before according to President Obama, but then I guess he did promise us change didn’t he?!