Three men stood up for right and paid a huge price on the Max line on Friday when a crazed man threatened two Muslim women on the train. Two of the men died and another was badly hurt as they were slashed by the knife wielding crazed man.
In this video, Twitter user “St. Tenderheart” claims to have been an eyewitness who chased down suspected killer Jeremy Christian who was still foaming at the mouth and in a psychotic episode before his arrest:
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The reaction by leftist Portland is curious.
First, a spokesman for the far leftist anarchist, self described “anti fascists” in the form of Cameron Whitten said the nutter who killed two people on Portland’s light rail was a Trump supporter and that as long as Trump was in the White House he would feel unsafe:
Yes, the person who likely committed the murder is a repeat offender and suffering from mental illness. But if Donald Trump was not president today, I believe we would still have two bright lights among us today. I believe that stronger than I believe in my own birthday.
Then, Marc Abrams of the KXL weekend radio show Kremer, Abrams and Pasero claimed that the nutter was a Christian. No, Marc. His last name is Christian. He’s no more a Christian than you are Abram.
Attempts have been made to connect the killer to the “alt right” (whatever that means) because the accused killer turned up to a so called “free speech” event in Portland in April. As you can see by the video posted by YouTuber Airliner World, the suspect was disavowed, told to get out, shut up, and even one guy said “he’s on his own.” As the YouTuber put it:
Please don’t put Jeremy with those guys, they have already made it clear that he wasn’t a part of them.
Christian was separated from the so called “Patriot Prayer Group” by the cops because they didn’t want him in their group. He’s shown on tape (surrounded by photographers) complaining about it.
Trimet Stabbing Suspect at Free Speech rally
NOTE: I’m sorry about the horns, i cant edit them out. I attended the free speech rally earlier this year and came across a man who would later go on and kil…
Christian then walked down the street toward the anarchist, black bloc protesters.
Furthermore, as the website Chicks on the Right discovered, the accused killer appears to be a Bernie Sanders supporter.

But, oddly, Ted Wheeler is not calling for an end to the far left protests that occur nearly every week in Portland — only the so called “alt right” one scheduled for June 4th and 10th.
Remember now, to some people facts are fungible. They’re plug-and-play components for certain intellectually dishonest people to construct them into a jerry-rigged storyline so long as it concludes that it’s all Donald Trump’s fault.
In the left’s and City Hall’s (but I repeat myself) zeal to construct this narrative, Mayor Ted Wheeler has taken it upon himself to urge the federal government officials to stop a planned “free speech” protest by what he calls an “alt right” group on federal property on June 4th and another one June 10th.
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I recognize that Portland’s heightened political atmosphere is ripe for riot and the mayor wants to keep things peaceful. But allow me to remind you that the city has been the victim of several such riots without the presence of so called “alt right” free speech supporters. In fact, the street violence has been a function entirely of the left and helped by the city’s inability or unwillingness to confront it.
Scapegoating the “alt right” in this case is absurd, intemperate and unbecoming a serious politician.
I don’t recall Wheeler calling for revoking or disallowing the planned May Day riots and I actually asked him to do that. I’ve also called for the National Guard to protect the citizens of Portland during the leftist’s riots due to the city’s unwillingness to do its job.
It was leftist thugs who threatened violence against Republicans participating in a civic parade and got it canceled.
It’s understandable that Wheeler’s concerned about riots. But who’s been doing the rioting in Portland? Not the so called “alt right.” It seems that the better part of valor would be to appeal to the leftists to leave the permitted protesters alone.
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