ObamaCare Fallout: Radical SEIU Union Goes for More Control Over Oregon Hospitals

October 22, 2013

The entire state of Oregon is under ONE SEIU bargaining unit. SEIU is the category killer of unions.
The entire state of Oregon is under ONE SEIU bargaining unit. SEIU is the category killer of unions. Local 49 is for health care workers.

One of the same unions that just  paralyzed San Francisco Bay area commuters now wants to take more control over Oregon health care and hospitals. And low information voters, sadly, are dumb enough enough to let them.

According to the Zero (here) the SEIU will soon begin signature gathering to place several measures on the November 2014 ballot that they call “Act for a Healthy Oregon. According to the paper, the measures would install, 

  • Executive compensation caps limiting hospital chief executive salary to 15 times the salary of the lowest­-paid employee
  • Requirement for hospitals to spend a minimum of 5 percent of service costs on charity care for low-income patients
  • Requirement for hospitals to publicly post their typical costs for common procedures.
  • Price limits for larger hospitals.
  • Requirement for public posting of quality of care data by hospitals.


SEIU proposes to take over what’s left of the autonomy of hospitals after ObamaCare and begin dictating where and how much the hospitals may spend the money. Then, the measures would institute price and executive wage controls as a paean to the Occupy crowd.

Hospitals already give away millions of dollars in free care, although the Oregonian reports that figure has dropped significantly during the recession. But SEIU is hoping that by floating this idea, everybody will forget about all the self serving stuff the far left union is proposing.

These guys want to be in charge of your hospital and health care.

SEIU has one thing in mind: getting more members and more power. 

Here’s what they claim on their website:

  • We are one of the biggest defenders of Medicaid and Medicare funding
  • We played a pivotal role in winning the landmark Affordable Care Act, which is bringing quality, affordable healthcare to all Oregonians.

The first bullet point is ridiculous. Doctors advocate most for Medicaid and Medicare funding. The second is the reason these people can’t be trusted with your health care. 

Would you like the purple shirts of SEIU  to have more control over your health care? The Governor has already given his blessing for union stewards in all Kaiser hospitals, pushing our health care and health care and hospital costs into the grasp of the most radical union this side of the wobblies. 

Here’s a highlight reel. Remember when they attacked the black Tea Party guy selling T shirts?

SEIU Attack Black Tea Party Patriot & Tampa Town DNC Slaps Man

Now Obama is sending the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) to beat up Tea Party People. So last night in St Louis they beat up a black man who was…

These are the people who want more control over Oregon’s hospitals. And if they don’t get what they want? 

Or would YOU like more control over your health care? Liberty loving folks would say the latter. To do that you’ve got to get government out of it. Getting rid of ObamaCare is for starters. And second? Keep these far left, violent unionistas out of your hospitals and away from vulnerable patients. 

Do NOT sign their petitions.