“My name is Michael Strickland” is how the Portland area citizen journalist began his story at the nationally prominent Gateway Pundit website.
Strickland’s speech was interrupted Tuesday night by a cow bell ringing, man-banned member of a Antifa/Anarchist group (they’re the same thing in Portland – just add a balaclava!) and his cadres, who are now full partners in Portland Professional Protesters, Inc.™ and who seem to receive full support of City Hall and Police Bureau.
As he wrote at Gateway Pundit, his planned speech was about how his First Amendment rights had been stripped away after being arrested for defending himself against Antifa in July of 2016:
On March 5th, 2019, The College Republicans invited me to Portland State University to speak about what happened to me on July 7th, 2016, when I was out filming a protest, exercising my right to freedom of the press.
As we mentioned here, Portland State University officials were asked to comment on how Campus Police did their jobs in allowing Antifa thugs to disrupt Strickland’s presentation.
The University issued a statement, which Strickland notes was full of inaccuracies and mischaracterizations:
Beyond the fluff and inaccuracies in that press release, what PSU’s head of public relations, Chris Broderick, can’t even get right is that my speech was not based around the 2nd Amendment. I believe my case is rooted in the 1st Amendment, and that’s what I was there to talk about. The name of the presentation was “How The 1st Amedment Was Invalidated.” The Republican club met with advisors and campus security the week prior to the event to discuss what the event was about. Broderick and his staff of 19 bureaucratic paper pushers are either incompetent, too lazy to do basic research and due diligence, or they are intentionally lying to the public.
Read the rest of Strickland’s story hereand read all of my stories about the Strickland case here.