San Diego Police do stripper shaming while conducting “inspections.” Here’s my advice to the girls.
San Diego police are in charge of inspecting the sometimes murky and underworldly (yes, new word) nature of the stripper biz. Before you hit the pole tonight, I want you to take seriously what I’m about to tell you.
For those of you unfamiliar with this story, here’s a bit of a recap. Recently, the cops busted into the Cheetahs strip club in Kearny Mesa, lined ‘the girls’ up against the wall, took pictures of their tattoos whereever they existed and checked their ‘paper work’ (permits). I wrote about this here. The police said this was a routine inspection.
Now I’m back with advice. It’s advice I’ve shared before here.
In short, the advice is this: you are not obligated to talk to a cop and you are not obligated to stay in a place against your will under color of a cop’s authority unless you have been arrested. If this ever happens again, you may, without disrespect or flippancy, ask if you’re under arrest. If the cop’s answer is ‘no’ you are free to go. Double check with your boss or attorney if he wants you to do this, but, in the end, it’s your freedom we’re talking about, after all.
See, I love the cops. I’ve always had their backs, but sometimes they don’t have your best interests at heart. Sometimes their job doesn’t align with your interests and rights. And that’s why you must watch the video here and learn about them. Carve out an hour of time to watch this.
I’m not a big stripper fan, but I’m a liberty lover. I am outraged by the cops’ treatment of you and yours at Cheetahs a few weeks ago. That was not an inspection, that was an invasion. This regulatory, perfunctory inspection looked like a SWAT action. You were treated like lawbreakers. It was horrible.
I heard you’re suing.