The little known Medal of Honor Day should be on the nation’s radar

By Act of Congress, March 25 is to be observed as “Medal Of Honor Day” to honor all those Americans who by their sacrifice and courage above and beyond the call of duty, have received the nation’s highest medal for valor in combat, the Medal of Honor.
The Congressional Medal of Honor Society has information concerning the 3,487 Americans who have received the Medal of Honor, 19 of whom are “double recipients.” Today, there are only seventy-seven (77) living Medal of Honor recipients.
Each Medal of Honor recipient, while uniformly modest about their own acts of valor — generally stating that the real heroes are those who served in war and never came home — is, in fact, a national treasure, an icon representing the epitome of American courage and sacrifice for American freedom.
Through the Congressional Medal of Honor Society, the Medal of Honor recipients continue to serve America in a variety of meaningful ways. Interestingly, among themselves, they share a common saying and common belief: “It was easier to receive the Medal of Honor, than to live as a wearer of it.” For more on these true heroes of America, what they did to receive the Medal of Honor, and what they continue to do in service to America as wearers of it, see the Congressional Medal of Honor Society website,
Fittingly, publishes on this Medal of Honor Day 2014 the column of Medal of Honor recipient (Vietnam) and past president of the Medal of Honor Society, Maj. Gen. Patrick H. Brady (USA, ret.) on: “Teaching Our Children True Patriotism.”
Radio talk show host Chuck Wilder (USN, Vietnam), salutes all Medal of Honor recipients on his Original Talkback Show” today, 12-2p.m., heard nationwide online at, along with special guest, Capt. Joseph R. John (USN, ret.), combat veteran and founder of Combat Veterans For Congress ( [For re-broadcast times of the Chuck Wilder Show, see ;
Also, patriotic talk-show host and blogger Victoria Taft will also recognize Medal of Honor Day,
including on her blog (
But, if you haven’t read about Medal of Honor Day in your newspaper, heard it on radio, or seen it on television news, don’t be surprised: Most of the liberal-dominated media, although enjoying their “freedom of the press” and “freedom of speech” due to the service and sacrifice of veterans, will be AWOL regarding informing Americans about Medal of Honor Day and the American heroes who have received, and wear today, that highest medal of valor in defense of American freedom.
May God bless them all; and may the nation they served and whose freedom they preserved, always remember and honor them.
(Rees Lloyd, longtime California civil rights attorney and veterans activist, is a member of the Victoria Taft Blogforce.)