Official reaction. Not so official reaction. And the crazy.

Dragon Slayers
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That was quick. @wweek #quitzhaber #Oregon #kitzhaber
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AG @EllenRosenblum: #Kitzhaber resignation won’t stop investigation.
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Did you see @tedwheeler’s response today to #Kitzhaber resignation? His and more here:
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AG @EllenRosenblum: #Kitzhaber resignation won’t stop investigation.
Cascade Policy’s founder, Steve Buckstein, puts it succinctly
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Oh, Nice, that’s not nice! But ya know she’s right:
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Control the Atty. Genral and you control the State Government all is well in #Hell #kitzhaber #SamAdams #pdx
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@greta #Kitzhaber Resigns. Good riddance to an egotistic jerk. Typical doctor God complex.
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Kitzhaber is mad at the media for not allow him to mould the story#Oregon
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As soon as I read about Oregon Gov #Kitzhaber resignation b/c of scandal I knew he was a Democrat because there was NO MENTION OF HIS PARTY!
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Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber.Wow. Just…. Wow#kitzhaber
Today’s not the day, boys.
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Oregon Business Association: “It is important to remember the achievements of Governor #Kitzhaber.”
KGW notes the memes have begun:
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Quitzhaber: Twitter turns Governor’s resignation into internet memes #kitzhaber
Oregon’s one party rule comes up in this meme:
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kitzhaber? more like #kitzover
Premature e-celebration:
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Due to corruption at executive level, Oregon now w/lesbian governor. Oops, she’s married. Oops she’s married to a man. Nevermind. #Kitzhaber
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Proud for Oregon to have the 1st openly GLBT Governor, I just hope she’s not attracted to Slyvia Hayes. #kitzhaber
And I just had to add this one because this guy exploited the trending topic just like Cylvia Hayes exploited her boyfriend and John Kitzhaber exploited his job title.
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Rhetoric in American Colleges, 1850-1900 (SMU – $5.45 – – #Kitzhaber #Wow
And this guy did too, but it’s the only time you’ll see Kitzhaber in the same meme with ‘Kardashian’ and ‘Kanye’.
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@Fashionista_com” #KitzControversy #kitzhaber #Kids #KissABull! @Chinhhuynh4583 @CBC @nytimes