We want to see the video and objects from Kitzhaber and Cylvia Hayes’ dump run.

John Kitzhaber went to the Bend dump the other day with his Shady First Lady (thank you UK Daily Mail) and the dump workers called the cops.
One of the inescapable conclusions we can draw from this means the guys who work at the dump are smarter than the guys who worked for the Governor. At least they can identify when something looks hinky and call in law enforcement.
The Bend Bulletin reports the ex Governor, forced to retire when he attempted to cover up his and his Shady First Lady Cylvia Hayes’s reputed influence peddling, visited the dump Friday last, spent a few minutes emptying their load and then called attention to themselves when Hayes’s credit card jammed the system.
The dump workers, seeing who they were dealing with, called investigators because they were worried the two were trying to destroy more evidence in their case.
They looked like any other people who were cleaning out their garage or cleaning out a rental. It was just stuff,” [spokesman Timm] Schimke said. “They weren’t manipulating the stuff. They were just tossing it out and they were only in there for two or three minutes and then they left.”
Schimke said Hayes went to pay for the items the two dropped off when the landfill’s computer system malfunctioned.
When employees reset the computer, they identified the person who was trying to pay as Hayes, the subject of a federal and state investigation at the time
It looked to me like they were cleaning out a garage, I guess,” Schimke said. “Campaign signs when she was running for office years ago. A mattress or a box spring.
Schimke says the whole thing looked odd:
It just seemed strange that they were at a transfer station dumping waste so soon after him resigning and them being under investigation.
Investigators picked up the items.
But now we learn federal investigators are looking into Hayes’s relationship with the dump and another project she was working on.