The Feds have subpoenaed ALL RECORDS–everything–having to do with Governor John Kitzhaber and girlfriend Cylvia Hayes’ green agenda.

Kitzhaber Cylvia kissing ABC

A federal probe is no joke. It just got real for Kitzhaber and Hayes. Along with the Oregon State Attorney General’s probe and an ethics probe (which is technically suspended while waiting for the resolution to the AG’s probe), the Federal probe can’t be managed by Kitzhaber, as he’s clearly tried to do in the others, as well as the media.

Here are the big take aways from news the Department of Justice’s U.S. Attorney in Oregon has subpoenaed the soon-to-be former Governor and his girlfriend. Read the document for yourself below (HT Willamette Week).

Here are more revelations and tid bits since Friday’s resignation announcement:

In short, he’s in trouble. Check out the subpoena.


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