Finally: Business Responds to Proposed Luddite Portland Plastic Bag Ban

July 19, 2011


 “We also believe that any public policy needs to be based on the facts – not political rhetoric – and we feel it is important to correct some inaccuracies in the proposed ordinance. First, plastic bags are not “single use” – 90 percent of Americans reuse their plastic bags at least once. Second, plastic bags are made from natural gas – not petroleum. Third, while the plastic bag ban in Ireland curbed the use of plastic grocery bags, the result was an increase in the sales and use of heavier gauge plastics, such as garbage bags, by 400 percent – which are worse for the environment. Lastly, while plastic bags can contribute to disruptions for residential curbside recycling programs, they make up less than 0.5 percent of the U.S. municipal solid waste stream, and they are not the only plastics that clog traditional material recovery facilities. Banning this one product won’t solve that problem.”

…Should Portland approve this ban, regrettably, you will have chosen to close the door on bringing the bag manufacturers, recycling industry and retailers together to advance Oregon’s leadership role in recycling while also creating new economic opportunities for the city. Despite this action, Hilex Poly will continue to engage all stakeholders to develop a statewide solution that reduces litter, creates jobs and advances Oregon’s leadership role in recycling.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://