Drought: Thieves steal water from California fire department

August 8, 2014


Sign of things to come? The second major water heist occurs in Northern California town.

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Thieves have stolen thousands of gallons of water from a Northern California fire department, leaving that community high and dry in case of a fire. It’s the second time in two months huge amounts of water have been stolen.

“It’s absolutely terrifying. We count on our fire department to be ready and take care of us.”

I’ve heard of people stealing metal to turn into meth and siphoning gas to get to work,  but this is a first. Though we don’t know the motives of the water rustlers in the Northern California town of North San Juan, we do know they stole thousands of gallons. …From the fire department. …During fire season. 

It could be that since things are so bad in California what, with environmentalists trying take out dams which hold water for people and being responsible for diverting water from people and farmers to ‘save’ a non indigenous bait fish, that it appears water is the new gold.

This is not even the first time this has happened. Neighbors say a school near Camptonville lost six thousand gallons two months ago.

CBS reports it looks as if the water rustlers had big trucks to cart off the water.

Investigators believe the thief has to be someone with knowledge of water tank connectors and someone with a large enough truck to haul it away.