H/T Tom Thurman
Democrat Washington state lawmaker Joe Fitzgibbons will have some explaining to do after his damning tweet calling the entire state of Arizona a “desert, racist wasteland.” The tweet was picked up by Associated Press reporter, Mike Baker, who screen capped the offensive tweet before Fitzgibbons could delete it.
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Post is down, but here’s a screengrab of Wash. lawmaker calling Arizona a “racist wasteland” after Seahawks loss: pic.twitter.com/2itY19WWkN
After being called out for damning an entire state, he posted,
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Upset re hawks loss, and failure of smart immigration reform–shouldn’t have conflated the 2 though. Happy holidays, better for both in ’14
Meantime, at least one other lawmaker, JT Wilcox, was doing some damage control,
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Makes us all look bad RT”@MikeBakerAP: here’s a screengrab of lawmaker calling AZ a “racist wasteland” after loss: pic.twitter.com/c3nkm0jWIB”
Eventually Fitzgibbons tried to do his own damage control, blaming the twittersphere for taking his original, now deleted, tweet too seriously,
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Lawmaker on “racist wasteland” comment: “If folks are going to take that too seriously, then I’m sorry about that.” http://t.co/r4lVXMuLoz
Fitzgibbons’ attempt to lay his anger at the feet of the tough Seahawks loss (it was) and then heaping scorn on Arizona over the issue of illegal aliens was feeble, not to mention incoherent.
Dude, we know you’re a Democrat, but could you please remember that as a lawmaker you’re SUPPOSED to act like a grown up, um ‘kay? Just wondering where Phil Robertson can go to get his reputation back.