Photo KATU
Winco officials now say it was “a clerk that mistakenly thought the activity would violate a company policy” who booted two little girl singing Christmas carols. KATU first told the story here.
When two little girls got kicked off grocery store property for singing Christmas carols, a friend contacted KATU, hoping to get some help righting was she felt was an inexcusable wrong.
Ayla Bascom and Kaitlyn Manseau picked a grocery store close to home, a Vancouver Winco.
Ayla told KATU’s Emily Sinovic they wanted to give shoppers “a warm fuzzy feeling.”
They were not asking for money. They made a sign to make that clear.
They were outside singing for less than an hour with no complaints. To the contrary, several people listened smiling and told the girls Merry Christmas.
That didn’t seem to matter – bad news came quickly when an employee told the girls they had to go. “
It’s easy for employees to be confused about rules over such things as carolers in front of a WinCo. Efforts by atheist groups to scrub God from the public square have jumbled the issues of protected first amendment speech, freedom of religion and the establishment of religion by the state. WinCo’s property is private, but the confusion spills over–especially since other large stores forbid such activities.