The PSU College Republican presentus-interruptus by Mike Strickland is now becoming national news.
You can find the background I’ve posted on Mike Strickland and his First and Second Amendment case at this link.
Video of Strickland’s presentation, disrupted for more than an hour by Antifa/Anarchist protesters, one of whom we’ll just call Cow Bell Boy, was broadcast by many sources, including on Twitter by journalist Andy Ngo. It was picked up by The Daily Caller and featured prominently on the publication’s Facebook page. You’ll want to turn down the sound a bit if you’re at work:
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Like a toddler who learns he can control Mom and Dad by throwing a wing ding, Cow Bell Boy rang his dingle dangle, shouted and made hiccup-like “yep!” sounds worthy of Dave Hester from “Storage Wars” to stop free speech in a public room. He later boasted, “I’ve been totally successful, I’ve shut this entire shit down all by myself.” He had two helpers with him, but basically, Cow Bell Boy was right. Police officers present did nothing.

During the dingle-dangle-wing-ding, videographer Nate Millsap said to him:
“I was just wondering if you had any balls to say what you are standing for or not standing for. You just shut people down and that is all that you know.”
Pondering his answer – or was he considering his balls? – as the diminutive man-bunned protester looked up at the six-foot-five, 280-pound boulder-sized Millsap, he creepily responded,
“Oooh, toxic masculinity!”
Millsap, who curates the YouTube channel Stumptown Matters, told that he laughed and responded:
“I’ve got all the masculinity you need and then some.”
If you know what “Toxic Masculinity” is you’re more informed than most. Or you’re a liberal arts intersectionality major at a university somewhere.
At a website called Tolerance (yes, really), invoking the latest made-up word in the feminist lexicon can be “tricky”:
“It’s a phrase that—misunderstood—can seem wildly insulting, even bigoted.”
Intolerant, insulting and bigoted? That’s quite a trifecta! (And, as an added bonus, if you were offended by the phrase then it would be your fault for ‘misunderstanding.’) We guess Cow Bell Boy thought he’d ‘trigger’ Millsap with his insult. That boy was barking up the wrong redwood.
Joey Gibson, the founder of “Patriot Prayer,” a pro-freedom, anti-Antifa group and who is all-too-familiar with Cow Bell Boy, gave his own definition of “Toxic Masculinity.”
Warning to Cow Bell Boy, you may be triggered:
“The term “toxic masculinity” is only used by boys who have tried their entire lives to be men but never figured out how. So instead they insult other men.”
Gibson, a former U.S. Senate candidate, told KGW-TV recently that America is getting soft and we need men and women to stand up for what’s right:
“We’re here to promote freedom and God and that’s about it. We’re the American Spirit where we stand up for our beliefs unapologetically and unafraid. Our country’s getting soft, it’s getting soft and we need leaders to step up.”
Meanwhile, back at Strickland’s presentus-interruptus, Cow Bell Boy only took his leave when he thought he’d burned enough of Strickland’s time to prevent him from giving his speech before the building curfew.
Cow Bell Boy, or one of his buddies, told via Twitter (more on that later) that he was never escorted out by police as I reported Wednesday. I can see by this angle of Andy Ngo’s video (above) that the Antifa protester was absolutely correct. Police response was even worse than I thought.
Coming to hear Strickland was a calculated act of bravery. Those gutsy enough to come to downtown Portland after dark to hear about Strickland’s case knew the cops wouldn’t have their back. They knew if they defended themselves or attempted to resume order in the room that they’d end up like Strickland: arrested, jailed, tried, convicted and deprived of their rights.
Strickland’s conviction is on appeal at the Oregon Appeals Court and is he represented by nationally known attorney Robert Barnes.
Here’s a link to his defense fund which has been set up by the Oregon Firearms Federation. Please give generously.