John Kitzhaber’s disastrous leadership and his girlfriend need to go. Girlfriend Cylvia Hayes’s illegal pot farm, marriage for money scam, and reputed corruption, means her “boyfriend” has worn out his welcome at Mahonia Hall.

Photo KOIN News
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She’s not first.She’s not a lady. #Kitz has horrible judgement. #Rocky #Rudy #Cylvia #CoverOregon #CRC #CimCam #CommonCore #ORGovDebate
I don’t have time for a long narrative here, but here are the bullet points which overwhelmingly argue for Kitzhaber to be tossed out in November’s election. His contempt for Oregon voters is as high as his girlfriend when she was the reputed co owner of a pot farm. He misused his office, let Cylvia Hayes do it too and by so doing, shows a contempt for the office and for the people who put him there. They deserve better. Always have.
This list:
#1 She’s a girlfriend. Just because she has sex with John Kitzhaber at the people’s house does not maker her the First Lady. In fact, in regard to Cylvia Hayes, the title has always been oxymoronic, notwithstanding the media’s slavish desire to please the Governor by calling this grifter a lady. It’s something Citizen Journalist Daylight Disinfectant has been harping on for years by naming her Kitzhaber’s “shack up honey”.
#2 She operates two businesses for personal financial gain out of the Governor’s office and taxpayers subsidize them through staff and perks.
She used her position as “First Lady” to help personal friends and gain business for her consulting firm.
“If she uses the title ‘first lady’ or ‘adviser to the governor’ when she’s consulting for private companies, that’s problematic,” says former Oregon Supreme Court Justice William Riggs. “In effect, she’s selling her special relationship with the governor to clients from whom she’s getting a fee. It smells bad.”
#3 Her obvious misuse of her faux first lady position and his misuse of government largesse is unethical and perhaps illegal. In fact, she believes her good intentions remove her from scrutiny of ethics laws.
“I do it because I love it, and because I believe that I have a contribution to make to help build a clean economy and a more sustainable future for Oregon,” Hayes said in a statement to WWabout her consulting work.
#4 Hayes did her “consulting work” out of the state capitol, using her “First Lady” status for financial gain.
#5 Hayes used her position —and the governor staffers–to help a former paying client by arranging a taxpayer funded loan.
Emails released to WW under the state’s public records law show Gov. John Kitzhaber’s office went to extraordinary lengths to intervene in the Hix case and to delay a scheduled foreclosure sale of Hayes’ former client’s property.
The state loan came from the Oregon Department of Energy, and officials there tell WWthey cannot remember another example of Kitzhaber’s office getting so deeply involved in the case of a troubled loan.
#5 Governor Kitzhaber had his aides change the language of the ethics laws to accommodate her unethical behavior.
The newly released records show how Kitzhaber’s office shaped the standards applied to Hayes.
#6 Then Kitzhaber tried to white wash the first couple’s ethical lapses with an official “review”:
“In an abundance of caution, the governor’s office established a proactive, rigorous review of her professional contracts to avoid any potential conflicts of interest,” Wray said in a statement to WW.
#7 Cylvia Hayes bought a platt of land to illegally run as a pot farm with her then boyfriend. She says her current boyfriend–the Governor–didn’t know about this. Heckuva job, Kitzy.
#8 Cylvia Hayes engaged in a sham marriage for money in violation of federal and state law.
#9 Kitzhaber has always had contempt for others who are not his friends. It’s of long standing.Watch his friends punch Daylight Disinfectant.
10. Kitzhaber not only can’t vet girlfriends, his other key personnel choices have been disastrous.

Kitzhaber wholly embraced Common Core–a playpen to college federal government take over of education. Rudy Crews was brought on with much fanfare. He was a disaster. Oregon had to pay him handsomely to leave. Sadly, the program remains, unlike Kitzhaber’s other laughable and disastrous policy from the 1990’s called CIM-CAM.
Kitzhaber oversaw Cover Oregon, OrBamaCare. The poor oversight of this program and personnel by the Governor, his poor choice of putting Rocky King in charge, and the disastrous contract with Oracle, supposedly overseen by Kitzhaber wasted approaching a half a billion Oregon taxpayer dollars. It still isn’t working.

Patricia Mc Caig is John Kitzhaber’s political fixer. She was his point person on the failed Columbia River Crossing. She made her money though, advising the Governor while also picking up a consultant’s paycheck. She now works for the Governor–for free–in hopes that perhaps her payday will come after her political partner wins the election.

Corruption? What corruption?