Cogen Mistress Resigns Amid Calls by Multnomah County Commissioners for Him to do the Same

July 24, 2013


Cogen Resign ResolutionSonia Manhas did one right thing. She resigned her job with Multnomah County today but she shouldn’t be the only one to fall on the sword. Jeff Cogen needs to go.

The Multnomah County Chair will be officially asked to resign tomorrow by the other commissioners. See a copy of the resolution nearby. 

From KPTV,

The resolution states Cogen’s affair “diminished his ability to provide leadership expected of the chair.” It also states he has caused an appearance of inappropriate influence to county businesses, along with “the real or perceived misuse of county assets,” that is damaging to the county’s credibility.

“The Board has lost trust and confidence in Chair Jeffrey S. Cogen’s judgment and ability to continue to provide leadership,” the resolution states.

 The Commissioners released the resolution tonight.

In OTHER news about Jeff Cogen-having-an-affair-and-having-his-kids-babysit-her-kids-while-he-got-her-a-job-and-raise-while-getting-sex-from-her,

 The Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office and Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office asked the Oregon Office of the Attorney General to conduct a criminal investigation. A spokesman said the initial focus will likely be on whether any county money was misspent by Cogen and Manhas.

As an added bonus we get this from KPTV,

 As part of her resignation, Manhas will be on paid sick leave until Aug. 30 when the resignation goes into effect. She will not be able to sue Multnomah County.

How much do you want to bet Cogen makes a few calls to get her a job?