Democrat State Senator Yee is not a garden variety California Corruptocrat.The FBI says Yee offered to broker a deal between an informant and a “Muslim separatist” group in Philippines.
A California Democrat Senator was busted Wednesday and his offices scrubbed by FBI looking for clues into his alleged nefarious dealings with gun dealers, corruptocrats and a Chinatown felon.
The biggest part of the story isn’t that Yee is the third California Democrat recently to be indicted, nor that he portrays himself as a tough on guns lawmaker and was gun dealing, or even that he hangs out with some genuine bad actors with membership in the Chinese Triad.
No, for my money, when the Democrat candidate for California Secretary of State offers to hook up an FBI informant with rifles and missile launchers from a renegade Muslim separatist group –a terrorist organization–you’ve got some big problems in little China. From the Union Tribune:
Investigators said Yee discussed helping the agent get weapons worth $500,000 to $2.5 million, including shoulder-fired missiles, and explained the entire process of acquiring them from a Muslim separatist group in the Philippines to bringing them to the U.S., according to an affidavit by FBI agent Emmanuel V. Pascua.
The FBI says group with which Yee claimed to have contact is the Moro Islamic Liberation Front–MILF (really)–which has been warring with the government of the Philippines for decades. The group is known for beheadings, assassinations and kidnappings.
According to the FBI document, Yee actually offered some insight into the group’s recent peace treaty with the government of the Philippines. Yee claimed the ‘peace’ was a blind by the government to hide its corruption.
Here’s the 137 page affidavit supporting an indictment of Yee and several others.
Needless to say, Yee’s campaign for California’s Secretary of State might–just might–have been set back a bit.