After recent expansions into London and Texas, Breitbart News establishes beach head in California
Breitbart is here. The news source named for Andrew Breitbart, the California boy who shook up the “media complex”, is officially establishing a California bureau. With this bureau, Breitbart’s expansion includes Texas, London, Washington, D.C., and it’s official offices in California.
From Kurt Bardella’s press release this morning,
“For years, California has been written-off by conservatives as too far past the point of return, but the truth is every single day there are stories worth telling about the successes of the conservative movement in California and the failures of the left-wing establishment,” said @BreitbartNewsExecutive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon. “Breitbart California is about telling not just those stories, but showcasing the impact and influence the Golden State has in our culture, technology and economy. From the growing libertarian movement at the heart of Silicon Valley to a Republican win at City Hall in San Diego, there is a fundamental shift taking shape and Breitbart News will be here to chronicle it.
Not everyone is excited like me. criticized the venture, including the advertising roll out which included some graphic images from the artist Sabo.
“[T]he new ads don’t seem dangerous and new; instead they play on old sexist tropes,” complained reporter Lucy Westcott.
Wired, which fancies itself dangerous and new, though it’s been around for years, also declared conservatism not edgy,
“[T]he controversial rollout of Breitbart’s California operation is another attempt to push the counterintuitive idea that being conservative is an act of rebellion.”
Maybe Lucy longs for being the counter culture like back in the old days. She apparently figures conservatives are such a mainstream in California and American culture, such as Hollywood, the mainstream newspapers, TV, academia, network news.
The definition of news, of course, is that which is out of the ordinary. If conservatism were de rigueur, I wonder why she took the trouble to write a news post about them.
Welcome, Breitbart. Hope I can help.