I felt a great disturbance in The Force. As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Energy is productivity. Where have I heard that before? Oh, I know, everywhere. Because it’s true. Now, Oregon’s ‘Democratic’ supermajority, ‘led’ by the quisling Kate Brown, wants to snuff out what’s left of Oregon’s productive, family-wage, blue collar trucking and logging jobs, as well as put the big hurt on every-single-person in the state. How? With a basket of energy taxes that would hit every struggling family like the strike on Alderaan.
Oregon’s planner-class has worked assiduously to create a man-made, coffee and beer swilling, tree-lined, choo-choo riding, organic utopia. But it turns out that even in utopia real people still need jobs. Kate Brown and her fellow-travelers in the legislature would sell out those jobs – those people, those families.
Now, the ‘little people’ are fighting back.

Truckers, loggers and everyday citizens descended for the second time on the state capitol building in Salem this week to plead with the Democrats not to put them out of business with these onerous taxes.
Truckers convoyed to Salem days ago and again on Wednesday to pressure Democrats to see them, listen to them.
According to the Zero, or what’s left of the Oregonian, HB 2020 would cost the working people of Oregon hundreds of dollars a year, in fuel, groceries, offsets, and cooling and heating your home. In short, Oregonians would be taxed on nearly everything so that the swells of Salem can say they’re doing something about the global warming. Yes, those same swells who rail against high rents. Cognitive dissonance, hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat.
Saw mills have been shuttered or suffered layoffs while forests are allowed to burn to cinder, emitting more carbon into the air than any Oregon industry has ever loosed. Yet, what do these so-called ‘leaders’ call for? Taxing the little guy to effect whatever climate emergency the Left has conjured up this week.
It was the Left, after all, that decimated the logging industry with its spotted owl fairy tale. Now these same people who are motivated by ‘well, the California cool kids are doing it’ want to drag Oregon into the stupid zone. For what? To get on a panel at Aspen Institute, a free ride on Tom Steyer’s private jet to Davos or be featured in a SxSW on-on-one?
Truckers know all-too-well that if they have to pay higher taxes and their company has to pay for offsets of some kind, that no matter what they haul, it will cost every consumer more.
It’s a joke … and Oregonians are the punchline.

Today, Republican lawmakers of the Oregon Legislature walked out for the second time this session to deny Democrats a necessary quorum to pass oppressive laws.
The desks inside the legislature once occupied by Republicans are empty. Zee pahty has sent the henchmen to find them.
Democrats may not feel it, yet, but there’s been a disturbance in The Force.
More Oregonians are waking up.
And the empty suit at Mahonia Hall should be one of them.