The Columbia Sportswear doyenne appears in Knight Cancer Institute video to challenge other givers with a toast, “Let’s kick cancer’s ass.” 
It turns out Gert Boyle is the big $100 million dollar donor to the Knight Cancer Institute. Since the information was outed, she and the head of the Institute Dr. Brian Druker thought they’d have a little fun by turning this lemon into lemonade:
Dr. Brian Druker, director of the Knight Cancer Institute, called Gert Boyle last week to let her know some possibly unwelcome news: Willamette Week was about to publish a story saying she was the person who gave a $100 million anonymous gift to the university to fight cancer.
“Gert said, ‘Don’t lose any sleep over this,’” Druker said.
While the university wouldn’t comment on the reports identifying Boyle last week, they eventually came to the decision that if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”
There’s much more to the story over at the Portland Business Journal here.
A Glass of Lemonade with Dr. Brian Druker & Gert Boyle
Let’s put those rumors to rest…Give with Gert: #OneDown