A Duo of Black Killers Who Killed White Teens Appealed for Sympathy and a Little Pre-Prison Street Cred by Invoking ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Before Sentencing
When he had a chance to apologize for the robbing, torturing and murdering two white teens who had been in Detroit trying to buy drugs two years ago, Fredrick Young didn’t bother. Instead ‘apologized’ to the families of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, according to Fox News Detroit:
“I’d like to say sorry to the families of Aiyanna Jones, Michael Brown, Eric Garner,” Young said. “And I want to apologize to them for not being able to get justice for their loved ones who was murdered in cold blood – and in respect for the peaceful protest, I want to say hands up don’t shoot. Black lives matter – that’s it your honor.”
People in the courtroom reacted in disbelief. But still – the message from the families of Jacob Kudla and Jourdan Bobbish was one of forgiveness.
The parents of the victims talked of sorrow and forgiveness–to the backs of the killers who refused to turn and face them.
“Everything just aches and it’s just a totally senseless crime,” said Mike Bobbish, Jourdan’s father. “And how you could march someone out in the middle of a field and execute them – we’re not a third world country. Sometimes I wish it did happen in a third world country because it would be a lot different outcome of this whole thing.”
Virgie Kudla, Jacob’s mother then spoke.
“Not only did the defendant take away my son’s future,” she said. “He took away my future – my future as a mother – my future as a grandmother.”
“I have sorrow in my heart, soul and every fiber of my being today and I will carry that with me for the rest of my life here on earth,” said Carrie Bobbish, Jourdan’s mother.
The Grand Jury and now reportedly the Eric Holder Justice Department itself have found Officer Darren Wilson was within training protocol when he shot Michael Brown. In fact, according to witnesses who were not friends of Brown, he never raised his hands in the ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ manner. That is a bald faced lie. The man who used it in a Detroit courtroom is the very symbol of this vacuous bunch.
Too bad, too. The wholesale take over of this ‘Black Lives Matter’ astro turf group by the Lisa Fithians and George Soroses of the world, has meant the lost the support of people who have always believed–and still believe– in citizen involvement and the need to push back on government overreach, whether it happens on the street by cops or by the IRS going after conservative groups.