Thanks to Pete the Banker, I now have seen the latest comments about the ObamaCare website by everyday Americans. The comments follow the online announcement of improvements by Julie Bataille, Director of Communications for Centers for Medicare & Medicaid which she claimed “greatly enhanced the ability of consumers to use” the website.
We are on track to meet our goal of having the site work for the vast majority of users by the end of the month. To be clear, Nov. 30 does not represent a “re-launch” of the site. It is not a magical date. There will be times after Nov. 30 when the site, like any web site, does not perform optimally. And work will continue after Nov. 30 to make further improvements.
But users of the website beg to differ. The comments follow several general themes beginning with issues of security, general rants, questions about where to pay, and, well, you get the picture.
Alerts from
It Doesn’t Work
General rants
Where is the paymaster?
Ah, Great Success!

With Friends Like These
Glynis the Good Witch