This story has been updated.
Saturday in Portland there was another planned riot by far Left, but, for the most part, it fizzled. It wasn’t for lack of trying, of course.
Four people arrested for violent antics. Bad things happen when you try to screw with cops.

Among the charges were resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, attempted assault on a police officer, assault, interfering with a police officer, disorderly conduct, harassment, reckless endangerment of another person, unlawful use of a weapon. You get the picture.
Two women with Patriot Prayer claim to have been jumped by Antifa thugs, so not everyone came away unscathed.
And then there was this guy. Ouch.

This bloody head reportedly belongs to an unidentified Antifa rioter who claims to have been injured and hospitalized at an unnamed facility after, as the website Raw Story reports, he was hit in his helmet-covered head with a police flash bang grenade:
“According to the Rosehips Medics, a collective that provides first aid during street protests, at least three people were hit by the flash-bang grenades.
Two of those hit were sent to the hospital. Raw Story has obtained exclusive photos of some of the injuries. One man was sent to the hospital with a head wound. According to a source in contact with the injured man and his girlfriend, his life was saved only by the helmet he was wearing.
Photos show a heavy-duty bicycle helmet punctured by a flash-bang grenade canister. On the other side of the helmet blood can be seen. Flesh and blood are massed on the man’s head in a different photo as he wears a neck brace and is treated by medical personnel.” Emphasis added
The website provided a dramatic side-by-side photo of the cause and effect.

And antifa allies were crawling on social media telling the story about the flash bang grenade.
This guy claimed to be a “comrade” who decried his buddy was “shot in the back of the head:”
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CW: very graphic. My comrade was shot in the back of the head by @PortlandPolice today. He was hit with the very first flash bang the cops shot. Make no mistake this was an act of aggression and there will be hell to pay @tedwheeler #defendpdx #AllOutPDX
It was so bad, this Twitter user contended, that the victim needed a “fucking drain in his head!”
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There’s a fucking drain in his head…
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Suddenly, the wound was life threatening:
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That would have killed him had he not been wearing a helmet. Now I understand very well why body armor is necessary when attending counter-protests.
This woman said the impact positively proved that the victim was really complying with police orders before he was ‘shot’:
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Back of the helmet entry indicates he was complying by turning around and walking away when he was shot. Science is hard, but common sense isn’t.
Case closed!
But let’s go to the journalistic tote board. According to the Raw Story post, the unnamed girlfriend of the unnamed man who reportedly is a “trauma nurse” at an unnamed hospital, this wound, the photo of which was helpfully supplied by the unnamed people, was caused by a flash bang which pierced the unnamed man’s “bike helmet” though he likely was not riding a bike for a riot.
On the Fujimoto Scale of journalistic hot air, these claims were a solid F-3. It made me long for the days of The Weekly World News. I really miss Bat Boy.

But stick with me.
Let’s take a closer look at that helmet because it was noted on Twitter by one man that the point of penetration looked, er, interesting:
Twitter user Dennis Ward called my attention to this horrendous injury and the odd looking helmet. Soon blue check Martin Cizmar verified the source of the story:
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But Dennis wasn’t so sure about the veracity of the flash bang claim:
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Like the flash bang canister stuck in the metal helmet, somebody cut that hole out and stuck the canister in there.
That’s quite a claim! But he provided his rationale:
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Look closely and you can see it’s a perfect circle, you can also see it was cut out by a plasma cutter and why is it not dented. If it struck that helmet it would have been dented.
He had a point. Check out that beautifully carved circle into which is perfectly placed a black plastic thingie. Is that the cleanest projectile penetration mark you’ve ever seen? It was so clean and so perfectly placed, that the helmet suffered no damage anywhere else around the point of entry.
Well, no, that’s not quite right. It actually looks like the helmet material is going outward as if the projectile was fired – or the hole was cut – from inside the helmet. Weird.
Casual observers wondered where the indented penetration marks were from the projectile entering the helmet. So was I. I sent the photo to a scientist who believed these set of ‘facts’ deserved at least a rating of F-4 or F-5 on the Fujimoto Scale of hot air.
The speculation upset this guy:
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But another Twitter user who’d seen the photo chimed in:
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After this story was posted, someone threw this over the transom. A series of tweets by Thomas Wictor adds even more information on the apparent phoniness of this attack:
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Flash bangs aren’t benign explosive devices and they’re the bane of Antifa’s members in Portland.
An ACLU spokesperson told the Raw Story website, “To our knowledge, no other police force in America uses crowd control weapons with the regularity of the Portland Police Bureau.”
I shouldn’t have to point out that Portland has more than its share balaclava clad professional rioters who terrorize the citizens on a regular basis, so it stands to reason that PPB would use more of these items. That fact alone renders the statement by the ACLU meaningless.
But back to our injured unnamed man.
Where have I seen that ginger hair before?
If the hospital victim is this guy he has just made an astonishing recovery. And with a smile on his face to boot.
Has Pallywood come to Portland?
It looks like the cops think so:
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But that’s another story.