Interesting, isn’t it, that the Democrats knee jerk response is to call for censorship because airing the “docu-drama” may make someone uncomfortable? Sounds like their foreign policy too, doesn’t it? Appease. Capitulate. Pretend. Because to do otherwise–such as fight for our country and what it stands for–might make someone feel…uncomfortable.
Here’s what I got from the D’s today:
Dear victoria,
This is it: crunch time for getting the slanderous ABC television docudrama “The Path to 9/11” yanked off the air. The network schedule has this slanderous attack on Democrats slated to start on Sunday night, September 10, at 8 o’clock — and as long as it stays on the schedule, we have work to do. Take a minute right now and tell Disney president Robert Iger to keep this right-wing propaganda off our airwaves:
Here’s the good news: the suits at ABC and the Walt Disney Company have started panicking under pressure, thanks to your ferocious response to the outrageous decision to put this irresponsible miniseries on the air. But until Disney quits defending its plan to broadcast conservative propaganda — fraudulently presented to Americans as “based on the 9/11 Commission Report” — the company should plan to keep taking every bit of heat we dish out.