Sports columnist Dan Wetzel has played the race card:
“Not long after Vick got inside the courthouse – and in a scene that was repeated when he left less than two hours later – the two sides clashed in shouted voices and dueling signs.
White people screaming for justice; black people asking if they still remember everything justice entails.
That a case involving dog fighting can break so quickly along racial lines is a testament to how it bubbles below just about everything in this country. We all wish it wasn’t so, including both sides here. No one wanted this. Almost no one even wanted to acknowledge it. But it was there, plain as day in black and white.
“I wouldn’t say it’s a racial thing,” said David Williams, an African American, in a hopeful tone. “It’s not racial. But for these animal rights people to take one person and crucify him isn’t fair.”
The thing is, the “animal rights people” here were an estimated 90 percent white. The pro-Vick/due process crowd was probably 95 percent black.”
Dan, here’s a clue: The animal rights protesters don’t worry about their jobs, their next meals, their bills or whether they’ll be discriminated against. Their beliefs are followed with fanatical religious fervor. They’re in the Taliban wing of the professional protester crowd. But in this case, Michael Vick is wrong and dog lovers are right.