November 28, 2024

Episode 146

Power Play: Brinksmanship with America’s Energy with Power The Future’s Daniel Turner

Could the lame-duck Biden administration use climate change as an excuse to shove through new policy on their way out the door?

With less than 60 days left until Trump returns to office, speculation abounds that current President Joe Biden will use the remainder of his lame duck term to shove through unpopular legislation, pardons, or executive orders. And none may be more concerning than the Democrats’ demands for a “climate emergency” declaration, which would treat climate change the same way we treat war and the COVID pandemic: as an excuse to curtail liberty and manipulate the economy. Daniel Turner joins to discuss the repercussions of such a declaration, why he feared it would be used as a way to manipulate the 2024 elections, and why the threat can’t be ignored in future administrations.