In one of the final installments of ANTIFA Versus Mike Strickland, Judge Thomas Ryan renders his verdict, and the defense comments on the railroading they experienced from the Multnomah DA.
Plus, is a wave of anti-Asian bigotry sweeping across the country, and if so, from where? Biden talks gun control and we revisit his terrible, awful, no-good, very bad advice on self-defense. And we chat with Portland attorney Jame Buchal, who is defending one of those charged in the Cider Riot fiasco.
A Study Shows VERY FEW Capitol Hill Rioters Were QAnon Red-Staters With Ties to ‘Right-Wing’ Groups
Conspiracy Theorist Gavin Newsom Says the People Leading His Recall Are Capitol Rioters Who Want to Implant Chips in People
Smoking Gun: Here’s Joe Biden Basically Inviting Illegal Aliens to Surge the Border
Trump Was Right: Michigan Judge Rules State’s 2020 Almost-Anything-Goes Ballot Signature Rule Was ‘Invalid’
Psy-Op Much? Antifa Stages ‘Love’ March in Portland Neighborhood it Just Trashed – and Attacks ICE HQ
Man Shocks ABC Reporter With the Real Reason He Snuck His Family Over the Southern Border at This Time
‘Who Are These Outsiders?’ Big Tech $$$$ – Zuck Bucks – Paid Government Election Offices to Become Turnout Machines for Biden in 2020 Election
Victoria Taft @ PJ Media