After ‘Political Ban’ Announced, I Found Out Why Republicans Were Left Out of PDX Parade But Dems Were Allowed to March

May 29, 2017

About that ‘ban’ ...

After self described “anti-fascist” threats of violence against Republicans caused the cancellation of the 82nd Avenue of the Roses Parade in Portland, it was feared that other Rose Festival-related parades would follow suit.

That wimpy way out seemed to suit the crowd at City Hall, which has allowed these thugs to run rampant in the city for years, causing violence, disturbances, park take overs, house take overs, freeway take overs and other mayhem. These elected officials even indulge leftist threats, paid them respect and gave them political space in the public square even as they marginalized or shut out altogether conservative political expression.

Within hours of the announcement  that the 82nd Avenue of the Roses Parade would be canceled,  St. Johns Parade officials reportedly pronounced that no political groups were welcomed to join in their event on May 13th.


KATU-TV reported that the ban would keep things peaceful in the City of Roses for the event:

St Johns Parade

No Description

When KGW-TV and KATU-TV reported the news, it caused a frisson on fear to pass through the body politic (at least on the right) in Portland. Would this be the new normal now? Would free speech and political expression be spiked under the guise of not wishing for any violence –violence exclusively perpetrated by the leftists? Capitulating, in other words, to the civic extortion by thugs who caused the violence?

The news chilled people to the bone. People worried that news media reports about  parade organizers banning any political groups from participating were right.

So it was quite a … ah, surprise … to local Republicans when a list of participants showed that Democratic party officials were marching.

St. Johns Parade
There was the inclusion of one group that seemed to suggest propriety wasn’t a  front burner issue, so Republicans in Multnomah County and surrounding areas wondered what the heck was going on:
St. Johns Parade
‘Nice’ to know that the ookity “CU Next Tuesday” people  were placed next to Cub Scout Pack 417. Nice job, St. Johns Parade.
But the question remained, if there were restrictions on political entries, how in the world did the group which birthed these faux “anti fascists” get into the line up and the GOP was left out?
St. Johns Parade
 Well, for one, St. Johns Parade officials told me there was never a ban on political groups from the parade even though the media reporter there was one.
Organizer Barb Legge told me via email in a Q & A:

Were there any political groups marching in the parade?  yes

Were there politicians marching or featured in the parade?   Yes many

Were there any groups left out due to being political in nature?  None, unless they chose not to show due to weather.

 I asked her why there was a ban on …  Republicans …? She said there was never a ban on any political groups. She advised me to look at their policy on their website. It reads:


“The parade is a free event! Anyone can enter – young and old! All entries are welcome that fit the family venue of the parade. No alcohol, firearms or weapons of any kind are allowed. If there are any loud arguments, disputes, or other issues that arise in the staging area or along the parade route, the people involved will immediately be asked to leave and may be escorted by the police, if necessary.

Legge told me that the parade had received no threats and everything came off beautifully.
One man on Facebook who attended the parade asked around about the absence of Republicans:

“The organizers obviously lied when they were interviewed for this story. There were many political representatives there including the Multnomah County Democrats. I asked them a few questions like “I thought this Parade wasn’t supposed to be Political? Are the rules different for you? It’s just a question, can you answer it?” I asked that of all groups of a Political nature including the honored (not by me) Blumenauer. I didn’t get a single answer just a myriad of middle fingers, sheepish grins and a few choice words that I didn’t use because this is truly a family event.”

I reached out to the head of the Multnomah County Republican Party, James Buchal, to find out if the facts as stated comported with what he knew.  Here’s what he told me:

“We did not apply to be in that parade.”

As we’ve seen, Portland conservatives and members of the GOP don’t have to go looking for problems, they’re discriminated against enough as it is.

But it does give rise to the question: Did the far left violent protesters leave that parade alone because no Republicans were marching in it?