Cesar Chavez’s former attorney says Obama is using “the children” as battering rams to penetrate American borders and sovereignty
Because of President Obama, children of illegal aliens who are already unlawfully in this country are being brought in by the tens of thousands in deliberate violation of the law by their illegal alien relatives, with the complicity of their home countries and the utterly corrupt Mexico whose agents let them bribe their way through.
These “poor” immigrants “who are living in the shadows” are reportedly paying narco “smugglers” between $5,000-$8,000 to bring their children into the country illegally–and to overwhelm the system by their sheer numbers, to create a crisis.
Meanwhile, thousands of other people equally desirous of coming to the United States obey the law, wait their turn, and then see news of how they are being victimized as the Obama regime does nothing to remove the those who have illegally invaded.
Obama, who created this situation, calls it a “crisis,” and blames Congress for not having “comprehensive immigration reform,” i.e., amnesty for the legal aliens already here who show their contempt for America by bringing their minor relatives into the country in deliberate violation of the law.
The “crisis” at the border is not the result of a “broken immigration law” system that needs reform. The problem is (a) illegal aliens who break ” immigration laws” and need reform; and (b) a President who will not obey his oath to “faithfully enforce the laws,” including the immigration laws, not just the laws he likes — or “rewrites” by “Executive Orders.”
The stark fact is Obama is exposing American children to small pox, swine flu, tuberculous, and other once eradicated communicable diseases with which these children of illegal aliens are infected.
These children are being used as pawns by their own parents and relatives; by narco “smugglers” who are profiting by smuggling them in and at the same time diverting the Border Patrol from stopping narco trafficers; and by the Obama regime to create a “crisis” in which to push the country into accepting immigration reform which is but disguised amnesty, rewarding illegal aliens for their illegality.
This is a shameful situation, but it is not a “humanitarian crisis.” A humanitarian crisis arises when humans suffer harm due to circumstances over which they have no control. This is a crisis in which those responsible have complete control, deliberately sending their children into this country illegally, despite the danger to those children — and to American children.
It is therefore, as Victoria Taft argues, a “manufactured crisis,” a crisis in failed governance, the manifest malfeasance in office of Barak Hussein Obama. No country in the world under competent government would allow its borders to be rendered utterly useless in protecting its citizens from harm as has the Obama administration. His first duty is the defense of America. In that, Obama is a complete and utter incompetent failure, as is evidenced, again, by “Obama’s ‘Manufactured Immigrant Crisis’…”
Ya basta!
Rees Lloyd is a Veterans activist, civil rights attorney, Cesar Chavez’s attorney for more than 20 years and is a member of the www.VictoriaTaft.com Blogforce.