While I’m watching the live blogs I’m bringing to you some of the more, ah, interesting reactions via Twitter.
The word “dominionist” is making a come back:

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Here’s someone who never heard of Jesus:

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Since Bible endorses slavery #HobbyLobby should also be allowed to own slaves! #ReligiousFreedomForAll #tcot #LibCrib #scotus

How about “secularist”? No religion in the workplace, you dominionists, you!

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72% of women agree – employers shouldn’t be exempt even for religious beliefs #NotMyBossBusiness #SCOTUS #HobbyLobby pic.twitter.com/h0yYXLTDGf

Here we go with humans not being in corporations again (but, just remember, humans exist in organized unions):

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@HobbyLobby is a business, not a human, therefore it cannot have religious beliefs…it’s that simple. #HobbyLobby #SCOTUS #RightToChoose

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Don’t you know if you’re an American with individual rights you can’t take them in the workplace? Sheesh!

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Here’s a good point:

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And another:

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HobbyLobby only declined to cover 4 abortifacients listed among 23 other birth control options. They already cover birth control. #SCOTUS

The bossy girls are back:

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@RepMcKinley lawmakers headed 2 #SCOTUS 2 hear #HobbyLobby arguments. 99% of women use BC. Do u stand w/ #WV women? #NotMyBossBusiness

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So inspired by everyone who went to DC for #NotMyBossBusiness #SCOTUS rally!

Mocking the business they’re trying to bring down:

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I know people are passionate about their arts and crafts, but that doesn’t qualify as religion. http://t.co/vpiRz1DD5S #HobbyLobby #scotus

I suppose they’ll cry when they read this tweet from a guy who thinks they’re smart enough to make their own decisions:

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Intentionally missing the point that women were fully capable of buying their own abortions before ObamaCare:

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I should not have to vet my employer’s religious beliefs to assure myself adequate healthcare choices and rights. #SCOTUS #HobbyLobby

“The Democrats” weigh in with their attempt to obscure the point and being ironic in the process (since they backed the government getting involved in a health care in the first place):

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Why the #SCOTUS should protect a woman’s right to make medical decisions with her doctor – not her boss: http://t.co/5EEPzF7mjf #HobbyLobby

And you’re a racist. I mean a sexist. I mean a homophobe. No, you’re just a bigot. Must be if you’re a religious person, right?

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And a little truth:

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SCOTUS divided on #Obamacare #birthControl mandate in #HobbyLobby Case http://t.co/2zrr6fGDSp #tcot #ReligiousFreedom