OrBamaCare robocalls Oregonians: You’re now Un-Covered, Oregon

December 22, 2013


The indignities of Cover Oregon–OrBamaCare–continue apace. First, the government bobbleheads smuggly insisted Oregon’s early adaption to ObamaCare would be the best thing for all Oregonians. Then, they began having fun with logos, marketing and expensive commercials,

No Title

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Then they pretended everything was fine, until, it turns out it wasn’t. There was no product to sell because the website wouldn’t work. No worries, said Cover Oregon chief Rocky King, we’ll do it alllllll by hand! We’ll have people fill out their health histories and wallet biopsies by hand and input it that information, uh—where are we inputting that information again? Oh, yes! the website that doesn’t work! Rocky is on “medical leave” with a case of the sniffles and now the CIO of the website is gone–fired this week. Did I say fired? I mean resigned. And the governor has called for a review of a program he didn’t bother to review himself. Finally now we have the coup de grace which basically is: remember that program you thought you signed up for? Yeah, about that…

From HotAir,

How did Oregon manage to go from one of the most enthusiastically pro-ObamaCare, gung-ho exchange-builders in the country to these shambles of lost administrative dignity? Two of their highest-ranking officials in charge of coordinating what they for months advertised as what would be a smooth, online, and hipster-friendly insurance-buying experience are already on the outs, and the 400 or so navigators they hired when they realized (too late) that they were in over their heads haven’t been quite enough to cope with the logistical struggle of signing people up for government-run insurance minus a functional website.

Er… why are they just telling insurance-seeking Oregonians this now? If they really have 11,000 people now enrolled in private plans, then they have been making some very slow but steady progress on the larger heap of applications they have going over the past week or so — but they must have known for awhile now that there was no way in heck they were going to be able to process the lot of the applications submitted by December 23rd in time to begin coverage January 1st, what with the slow and often erroneous processing that is part and parcel of doing things via paper application.

Merry Christmas! Remember when you could just buy your own insurance?