There’s drama in Antifa-world. One of the thugs who leads the gang of violent protesters in Portland, Luis Marquez, has issued a fatwa against a former ally/member of the group who is well known to the readers of this website.

Marquez, a frequent arrestee on the Portland Professional Protester™ scene, responded on Twitter to an Oregonian article describing how frequent protester (and multiple felon) Benjamin Kerensa successfully (and ironically) got a cop suspended from duty. Here’s an excerpt from the article:
[T]he Citizen Review Committee voted 7-0 that Smith had violated the truthfulness policy in a case involving protester Benjamin Kerensa.
Smith admitted to falsely telling Kerensa that he didn’t have the right to film officers and threatened Kerensa that he could be arrested if he didn’t stop.
You’d think there would be cheers in Antifa-Land, but instead there was this reaction from Marquez:

Interesting reaction, “Fuck Kerensa – he is dangerous and harmful to all leftist [sic] – fuck that man.” Marquez is a drama queen, but it was notable that Kerensa warranted a double f-word reply.
I tried to find out why he was turning on Kerensa, but, predictably and boringly, he called me a “racist” and didn’t answer my query.

Readers of this website know that Benjamin Jacob Kerensa is a multiple-convicted felon. He’s gone to both federal and state prison for a variety of crimes including hacking, impersonating law enforcement officers, including an FBI agent, perpetrating bomb hoaxes on federal buildings and a Navy ship and is an accused perjurer and Antifa ally.
After his life as an inmate ended, Kerensa came to Oregon and became a part of the Portland Professional Protesters™ world. He’s been around for a few years photographing and participating in protests.

Kerensa worked the system to get the cop suspended for not letting him video a protest, but just four months before, in July 2016, he, along with others, carried out attacks against videographer and journalist Michael Strickland to stop him from filming a protest.
When they came after him again, Strickland drew his legally concealed pistol and, without his finger near the trigger, held the group back from assaulting him for a second time.

No shots were ever fired, but it was Strickland who was prosecuted and jailed for defending himself. His case is on appeal.
Kerensa worked with cops to get other videographers, Leo Stratton and Nate Millsap, thrown out of protests, following the Strickland attack. Kerensa also tried to force Strickland from using his name in public at the risk of being jailed. Local prosecutors attempted to get third parties (me) included in the outrageous request. It was blocked.
You’d think that a guy with Kerensa’s rap sheet and Anti First Amendment proclivities that he’d be a natural blood brother with Marquez and the Antifa coven. But Marquez’s tweet put an official end to that. The question is why?
When Antifa and official Portland, but I repeat myself, pretended to be outraged over a story about Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson sending Portland Police intelligence officer a video, which led to the arrest of an Antifa member, I laughed.

Who else do you think sends cops pictures and video of protesters?

I’m guessing that’s why Marquez said “fuck Kerensa.”