They shouldn’t have had to fight city hall to retain their rights to conduct a legal business, to be free from intimidation, death threats, threats to destroy their business using molotov cocktails (imagine what could have happened to the apartment dwellers above the store), but they did. They had to fight the prevailing mindset of Portland “leaders” that protesters have more rights than the law abiding among us. And they were aided and abetted by an apathetic and distracted citzenry that figured on some level the nutty people outside Schumachers and the factotums at City Hall certainly had the best for Portland at heart so they let them get away with this outrage.
Schumachers spent more than 100 years in the city.
Mazal tov to the Schumachers after molotovs were threatened.Here’s Matt who’s with a group called
In Defense of Animals. He’s the one who organized the assault on Schumachers.
And who at City Hall allowed this travesty to occur?
Randy Leonard who told the Schumachers, ‘hey, why don’t you move to Bridgeport?’ 503-823-4682
And the rest of them who told the Schumachers to make nice with the protesters and just do what they asked and maybe the nuts would leave them alone.
Mayor Tom Potter 823-4120
Erik Sten 823-3589
Sam Adams 823-4128
Dan Saltzman 823-4151