In a Portland courtroom today, videographer Mike Strickland was forced to defend his right to literally speak the names of the people who conspired to get him thrown out of an Antifa & Black Lives Matter march and rally in 2016. This time the good guys won.
The people who conspired to get Strickland thrown out of a Black Lives Matter/Don’t Shoot Portland rally and march in 2016 set in motion two physical attacks on Strickland.
Here are two of his attackers. Nice stick ya got there.
When a group of thugs came back to finish off Strickland he drew his legally concealed pistol to back off them off. No shots were fired, but Strickland, not the thugs who attacked him, was prosecuted and jailed. His Antifa attackers were miraculously changed into ‘victims.’
You can call this ‘Portland Justice,’ where Leftist ‘protesters’ from Domestic Terrorists Earth First, anarchists, Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front to Black Bloc/Antifa are allowed to vandalize, disrupt, chase cars, ‘direct’ traffic and assault while the law abiding are expected to be their willing and complicit collateral damage. City Hall and institutional Portland are their willing stooges.
At trial, Molina believed Antifa’s lies about Strickland being a “white nationalist” (sound familiar?) and, without evidence of such an absurd notion, got a judge to add felony charges to the two misdemeanors. In February 2017 he was found guilty on all charges. Strickland stood to go to prison for 50 years. Antifa, with the help of Portland prosecutors and police, had successfully silenced him.
Strickland served 41 days in jail. His gun rights, ability to make a living, First Amendment and Second Amendment rights were stripped from the video journalist.
Today in court, the DA Kate Molina, the prosecutor with the magic beans who transfigured Antifa thugs into Strickland’s ‘victims,’ did Antifa’s bidding again by arguing that yet another First Amendment gag order be added to Strickland’s probation to shut him up about naming one of the conspirators against him: Ben Kerensa. The initial complaint also sought to get “third parties” to stop using Kerensa’s name. That would be me presumably.
‘He Who Shall Not Be Named’ is a multiple felon, having done multiple stretches in federal and state prisons, for, among other things, calling in a bomb threat on a major Silicon Valley confab in San Francisco, impersonating police and FBI officers, among other things.
Here’s part of Kerensa’s rap sheet, as I reported in 2017:
He called in a bomb threat to the Moscone Convention Center. The entire place, including the thousands assembled for Oracle World as well as other conventioneers, were evacuated.
And it wasn’t a one-off. While San Francisco Police told me the reports from the incident were difficult to get their hands on, an article on the bomb threat at the time made clear that Kerensa was a pro at this.
Kerensa made threats to his former employer, the AMC 1000 Theater, the Moscone Center, a building at the UN Plaza, a federal building and the Navy vessel, the USS Cleveland. And he did it all from the mayoral candidate’s office [where he was ‘volunteering’ and living in the office space]…
Feb 2017
Now after doing time and moving to Oregon and becoming part of the hacking and far Left protest culture, the felon and fabulist is believed by many protest watchers to be an informant to the Portland Police Bureau. When you’re pretending to be a police officer and FBI agent as Kerensa has, it stands to reason why he’d want to curry favor with officers. Maybe this is why Kerensa has found such a friend in Portland prosecutors.
Kerensa’s plea to keep Strickland from speaking his name fell short, however, as much as DDA Kate Molina tried to help her Antifa ally.
See how Multnomah Probation officials tried to get Strickland’s probation dependent upon “third parties” (me) to shut up about Ben Kerensa:
Shockingly, the same judge who convicted Strickland refused to grant Molina and Kerensa’s request to shut him up. Strickland still is not allowed to video or report on any of Portland’s protests, which provided his livelihood on his popular YouTube channel called “Laughing at Liberals.“
Strickland made this video after the proceeding. You’ll note that he doesn’t use Kerensa’s name so as not to inflame the political prosecutors and probationers who have eight more months to make his life a living hell.
Small Victory (August 14th 2019 Update)
Judge Thomas Ryan ruled “no action” on my probation officer’s request to modify the terms of my probation to ban me from mentioning the name of the very larg…
Strickland’s case is on appeal.
After arguing his case before the Oregon Appeals Court, attorney, Robert Barnes told
…[T]his case is bigger than one person. … If this can happen to him here it can happen to anyone, anywhere, and it means that nobody is safe [from Antifa]. And that’s why this case is so significant.”
Barnes is seeking to vacate Strickland’s first conviction and restore his civil rights.