Oregon’s Higher Education: Cannabis University Graduates Finally Can Land Legit Jobs

April 18, 2013


H/T Jolleen

Marijuana job posted on craigs listAs we’ve mentioned several times before, Washington State’s new legalized pot law has opened many doors to growers! This is exciting news in the world of pot horticulture and in, uh, higher education. For instance, Washington is looking for a Pot Coordinator. The state is also looking for a person who will act as the overseer of the production of all pot grown and sold in the state.These supposed fighters for freedom to smoke dope have put the state in complete control of all means of production.  Ironic, no?

But the best news ever may be that Cannabis University (yes, it exists) will now be able to place it’s, 

Cannabis university full logo

uh, graduates in Washington State pot jobs. There is a win-win! For instance, these people will now have no excuse not to work AND this could help Oregon’s rate of higher education matriculation.

Here’s one that has just appeared on Craig’s List.

Wake Island Farms (a Hydroponic Farm) in Washington is looking for a part time, botanist, plant geneticist, master gardener, breeder or other plant science graduate with an interest in and hands on position legally growing Cannabis in Washington State

“Wake Island”? Knee slapper. Pretty soon pot farms will rival doggie day cares for double entendre names.

But now here’s a potential problem for Cannabis U grads as we see here in the job description:

Must have verifiable experience in dealing with the specific crop and hydrophonic rearing of this or other similar agricultural crops. Some Knowledge of Medical Marijuana and Washington State 502 legislation is desirable. 

“Verifiable experience”?  Well, perhaps a rap sheet will do in lieu of a cv.